Hard practice

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Wow am I having inspiration for writing! I can't believe that I'm on chapter 7 for Claire! I am gonna start asking for more suggestions and comments on my story. You guys really help me out when you guys comment on my story. It truly makes my day and motivates me to continue writing. It might take me a little longer for a chapter to be uploaded because I am not using my notebook for ideas as often. I really really want this story to be amazing and I would love for u guys to give me as much advice as possible. U guys r already sooo helpful, but i just need a little more from u guys! Now here's the story!


"C'mon Claire! Let's get a move on!" One of the groomers said as he tugged on the lead rope. It was around noon and I had been working on my racing skills since very early in the morning. I was tired, hungry, and grumpy. I just wished Joe could be here because I know he wouldn't push me this hard. And he would give me breaks. 

"C'mon!" The groomer said and tugged on the lead rope once more. I flared my nostrils and snapped my teeth at him. Surprised, he dropped the lead rope. I threw up my head and cantered away from him and everyone in charge of my training. They were shouting at each other and tried to get me to come back to them. I was running around, throwing my head, and kicking out my legs as if I were a young filly again. I wanted them to work a little and see how hard it was on me. As I was running around, I heard a loud whistle and stopped in my tracks. Looking around for the person who let out the whistle, I saw it was the owners of my stable.

"C'mon Claire! Come over here and be a good girl," They called out to me. I cantered over to them and they extended their arms to pet me. 

"Jolene. Brian. .. im.. so. . huff. . .sorry. . . that. . . huff. . .  she ran off," The groomer said to them. (A/N: Jolene and Brian are the owners of the stable that I ride at. And no they don't own any racehorses, but it'd be pretty awesome if they did! :D )

"That's okay. We know it was an accident, but lets give Claire a break for now," Jolene said. A break!? Finally! I thought to myself. The groomers gave me some food and water. I gobbled up the food hungrily and gulped down the water. It was cool, but not too cool. It refreshed my parched mouth and throat. I instantly felt refreshed and ready to go, but now everyone else was taking a break.

"Hello Brian and Jolene. You called me?" Joe said to them. I let out a whinny when I saw him and nearly dragged the groomers with me when I trotted over to Joe. 

"Ya we figured that you could probably get Claire to work a little harder," Brian said to Joe. He nodded and moved over to me.

 "Hey girl, what's wrong? C'mon we'll work you a little longer and then we can let you rest," Joe said softly as he scratched behind my cheek. I gave him a little whinny and trotted over to Jolene and Brian, with Joe at my heels.

"Do you want to exercise Claire, Joe?" Brian asked.

"Sure, I'll be glad to," Joe responded. He grabbed a helmet and got onto my back. He rode me over to the gates.

"RIIIIING!!!!!" The starting gates flew open and I lurched forward. I felt Joe tighten his grip on the reins and squeeze he legs firmly against my sides, urging me forward. He stood up in the stirrups and held his balance. 

"Easy girl. Easy. It's just a practice race," I heard Joe say to me. I gradually slowed my pace a little and went into a more controlled gallop, "That's it girl. Good."  I stretched my body out over the race track, to quickly cover more ground. That increased my speed, but it was still controlled. I bent to my side as I rounded the corner. I felt Joe cling on to my mane and tighter his grip on my sides. Joe usually didn't ride me on the track and he had never felt me turn so sharply around a corner. I slowed my pace so that Joe could balance himself. After the turn, I picked up speed and galloped toward the finish line. I accelerated to my full speed, forgetting it was practice, when I saw the finish line. I crossed over the finish line and after 5 or 6 strides I went to a dead stop. 

"Woah!" Joe yelled when I stopped. He fell onto my neck and was sitting in front of the saddle. He pushed himself back into the saddle and dismounted. He patted me on my neck and when he took his hand away, it was covered in my sweat. My coat had turned a shade darker with all the sweat and my mouth was foaming. I was exhausted, but it was a good run and I felt like I was able to let myself free for awhile.

"Nice run. You did a great job Joe. I think that's going to be it for today, so let's put Claire in the horse trailer and bring her home," Jolene said. She smiled, rubbed my face, and kissed my nose.   Brian and Jolene left Joe to get a lead rope and halter for me. Jolene, Brian, and Joe  took off my equiptment and led me to the horse trailer. When we got to the trailer, I pulled up my head and threw it back. I swayed side to side. I hated horse trailers. I always felt like I would fall out when we were moving.

"C'mon Claire! Get in!" Jolene and Brian yelled as they shoved me into the horse trailer. I let out a loud angry snort and kicked the door of the trailer.

"CLAIRE!!!!!!!!" Jolene, Brian, and Joe yelled.  I made a loud "hrrumph!!" kind of noise and settled in the trailer. The trailer rattled around when Jolene, Brian, and Joe entered the truck attached. The engine roared and we were off to home. The trailer rattled down the road and I just thought about home and how much I wanted to go home. I couldn't wait to run around the fields and then sleep in my stall. Today was a hard practice and I just wanted to be done with it. 


OMG IM SOOOOOO SORRY! I meant to update this awhile ago, but i got sidetracked and forgot about it and then I got writer's block. I tried to write a chapter for Cursed, hoping that i wuld get ideas for Claire, but it didn't happen.  :( I know I always make excuses but it honestly wuld be easier to write if i got comments on ANY of my stories. I know I always ask for comments, but the main reason i do is because NO ONE ever comments!!! And I rlly wuld like to know that the reason I finally got Claire to 1,000 reads was  because people read and genuinely enjoy my story. I want to know that people actually read it.






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