4. The damsel in distress

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Note:- there were some bad talks at the near end of this chapter. It is not my attention to hurt anybody, it's all around the lifestyle of the characters.

"What is being distressed for you"

Veer and Simon Pov:-

                "I got my orgasm by voice" Simon's voice is booming in the office, he's sitting on the chair with his legs being on the table crisscross shape.

That gets veer's curiosity up, "You are feeling prouder in that" he just asks with his one eyebrow raise.

Simon just laughs in his direction, "A girl can make me hard with her talk, gives me orgasm with her giggle. What do you think I can get from other things of her body?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Don't you think you should check your little thing, to some good urologist?" Veer's smirk is slowly going up as Simon's face is falling low.

Simon make his eyes scrutinized in the direction of Veer, "what happened at the party"

"What" veer asks unknowingly.

"You are taking your frustration on me to make you feel well, your little sub is not doing her work I guess. When you need me to feel low so you can feel the pleasure you didn't found out till night." Simon pointed out.

"A girl has banged the door on my face" his voice out irritatingly, knowing his facade blow up by his friend.

"So, go and kill her"

"She cut me in the middle with a banging door on my face" ignoring what is his friend saying he let it out one by one.

"She comes in at VVIP door of the room" veer continue.

"Next time if you see her tell me, I'll kill her" Simone cut him off.

Suddenly, the phone rang on the table, looking at the phone, veer slide the phone in Simon's direction.

Simon just picks up the phone and slides it to his ear, seconds later he pulled away and slams the mike close with his hand. "She is shrieking more than her age."

Veer smirk at his friend's unfortunate experience. Gesture at the phone he mouths at him to talk.

Before he heard more shrieking, Simon started his talk, "Mai, I can guess that uncle is not treating you good" (Mai-Mother)

"You boy- wait what Simon, is that you? I thought it's that little boy who lives at my house in his childhood, time." Raising his eyebrows at his friend, he asks questions, to his friend, what did you do?

"Why didn't you came to the party, your mother was there, hey Simon, there was this talk going on in the society that you are going to be a father, I'm happy for you. But please, do me a favor, teach that boy also some of your things, so he also gives me some grandchildren." Simon just listening to everything without voicing his thoughts.

"What are you doing on Wednesday" after being silent for some time she asks this abruptly.

Simon gets his feet down from the table and sits straightly. That posture he knows so well from his experience. "We have a meeting with the staff and senior management of the company that will last long hours to can't decide on that day anything"

'Ladies and gentlemen let's see who will win on this Matchmaking date to get or cancel.' Veer is now started his host side to introduce and keep himself, entertain.

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