Chapter 4 - The unwanted dinner party

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When Dream woke up that morning, he had completely forgotten that he was in fact, in the middle of the ocean. Not at all in the comfort of his own home.

Dream had jumped out of his bed, grabbed his lamp from his bedside table and waved it around like a weapon.

Of course, he had not been taken. Dream had walked onto the ship himself.

Realising this, he put the lamp down in embarrassment, hoping that nobody had seen him.

Then there came a knock from the door.

Dream paused. "Who is it?"

"It's George! Now please hurry up and get ready, we're gonna be late for breakfast." He cried anxiously from behind the door.

"Yeah- hang on then!" Dream flung the doors of his wardrobe open, reached for his suit and dressed as fast as he could. He snatched his shoes from the side of his bed and slipped them on as if they where slippers.

He pushed the door open, still heaving from the rush.

"You ready?" George asked.

"Yeah," was all Dream managed to say.

So then George, and a rather tired looking Dream, made their way down to breakfast.


When the two of them pushed back the big brown doors into the dining room, it looked and felt quite different to how it had looked the night before.

The curtains had been pulled back, letting white light spill into the room. The candles on the tables had been taken away, and everyone seemed far more cheerful and awake than last night. Even minx smiled at the servant who had brought her tea.

George rather liked it.

They where seated by a servant and he handed them their menu's, hurriedly making his way back over to the kitchen.

George skimmed through the options on the menu. He had to admit, it was entirely different than the food back in England.

Dream however, was smirking at Techno from across the room. He was glaring at dream, clearly not finished from yesterday.

When the waitress left after taking their order, Dream laid back in his chair impatiently and looked around the room once again.

Wilbur and Tommy where muttering and whispering, and when they caught Dream's eye they looked away hurriedly.

"So," George said slowly, "what are we going to do today?"

Dream looked at him. "I'm not sure. We've got the dinner party at the bar, and then the dinning room where we have food. But that starts at five. Until then I'm really not sure."

"Dinner party?" George groaned. "I hate formal events. I feel all awkward. There's going to be so many people I'm going to have to talk to."

"You weren't awkward when you met me." Dream mumbled.

George had nothing to say to that.

And then waiters came over, carrying trays of toast and eggs and bacon. It all looked ever so nice.

Once again, George felt like royalty.


What Dream and George should have been doing that day was watching their suspects. But  of course, none of them knew there would be suspects for anything. Not until that evening.

The rest of the day flew past so quickly that the the two of them hardly had time for anything. It felt as though somebody had sped up the clocks all the way, And to George, it felt like it was on purpose.

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