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I get ready then I drag my feet slowly downstairs. I keep on saying goodmorning even though there isn't anyone to say goodmorning to. Mothers off to another case. My school is only a mile away from my house. Each day I walkeven though I could take the bus but I like to walk. Its nice and quiet and helps me clear my mind. I finally get to school 15 minutes before school starts like I aways do. I sit against a wall a book balancing on my legs. Reading if pretty nice. It lets me travel to some far off mysterious land.

"Goodmorning there freak" a girls voice syas to me. Natalie snatches the book from my hands. Natalie is your typical highchool drama queen. She's that really mean bitch that you see in movies and with every drama queen there is her 2 other little minions. Tiana and Rose they all have dirty blond hair just like Natalie. Tiana's curled and wavy Rose's striaght like a horse tail. Natalie's dirty blong hair curled and tied in a high ponytail.

They all wear pink mini skirts and white blouses. They absolutly disgust me.

"goodmorning Miss woke up on the wrong side of bed" Natalie stares at me angrily her green eyes shooting daggers at me.

Tiana and Rose stare back their bright blue eyes glaring at me. Natalie shakes her head her black hoops shake with her. Tiana wears blue hopes and Rose wears red hoops representing some type of ranking system or whatever. I straighten my black hoodie and stand up brushing off a few dust spots on my jeans.

They swat the hood off of my head.

"so what makes you so high and mighty Char?" Natalie says through her gritted teeth. I shrug snatching the book out of her hand.

"I don't know maybe the fact that I'm not afraid to stand up to you" I stare right back into her eyes. I can feel a crowd gathering. They watch this showdown like they watch a dramatic movie.

"is that so? Girls show her how it's done" Natalie snaps her fingers. Tiana and Rose grabs my arms. I let out a laugh.

"you know Natalie maybe you might have some friends if you played nice once and a while." My eyes furiously staring into hers. The crowd gasps. No one ever stands up to her.

She approaches me her fist trempling in rage as she raises it. I laugh swinging my feet up and kicking her square in the stomach. Natelie falls down crumpled in a ball. Tiana and Rose look at each other panicked and angry. They let go of me Tiana turns to face me while rose guards my back side. They both run at me. I whack Tiana with my book spinning around to do the same to Rose. They both crumple to the ground.

One hit and they all fall. I used to play baseball with the guys. I had to hit the ball super hard and I would always put all my effort into it. I guess I did that with my book. Hit their face as hard as you can. I would always get picked on at school wherever I went. So I learned how to kick some ass during the process. I never got blamed for it though because they don't suspect me to be able to beat up someone.

I pull my head back up and stuff my earbuds into my ear and let the music from my mp3 drown out all the noise as I slide back down my to where I was just sitting and continue reading. The bell rings a loud piercing ring. I walk to class a the principal looks down at the three girls in distress trying to figure out who did this to them.

The day drags on like it always does. One earbud in one out my music still playing. I go about everyday like this. I can still hear my music while still hearing the lesson at the same time. Everything is normal like always. After school somdays, I'll walk to this little cafe a few blocks away from my house. They have really good tasting cakes and tiny little sandwhiches.

I walk in to the cafe. The familiar ring of it's golden bell above the door. The warm fuzzy feeling I always get when I come in here. The light blue walls and the yellow sand colored floors. The soft coffee colored tables and matching chairs. In the very front of the cafe is the cash register counter with a display case of pastries and behind it a chalk board menu hanging by chains written in several different colored chalk.

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