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I yawn waking up. I look around there's no one here. I feel something on my shoulders. I remove whatever is on it and look at it. It's a black leather jacket. It smells like fresh rain and smoke. Not the cigarette smoke more like food smoke. There's only one person that smells like this, V. I look at the clock 9 am. Today is Saturday. V why that little punk.

How dare he sneak into my room. Is he still in here? I look around checking every corner of my room. He must of left. I stare at my bed something isn't quite right. Did he just randomly put this jacket on me?

Hmm something seems off. He wouldn't of slept in my bed....right? I sniff my smells like him. Did he hug me? No that wouldn't stick to be that fast. He must held me during my sleep. He wouldn't be the type of person to disturb someone's sleeping. But I don't know. He could be anybody. I barely even know him.

He must of slept in my bed. And he must of held me, or maybe do da little more then holding. That creep how dare he come into my bedroom. I walk to the window. I left the window unlocked? How odd I never leave it unlocked.

I hold out the jacket in front of me. A small piece of paper falls out of its pocket. I lay the jacket on the back of my chair. The paper slightly crumbled falls to the floor. I reach over picking it up. Unfolding it carefully I stare at the words written in blue pen.

"Call me when you wake up. Okay, Princess" and under it is a phone number. V has such pretty handwriting. Such straight words such beautiful lines. I wish I had writing like that. My writing is a bit messy with swirls but you can at least read it.

I wonder into the bathroom taking a nice hot shower. I change into a pair of skinny jeans, a long sleeved floral shirt with a purple scarf tied loosely around my neck. I walk downstairs. There s a pink sticky note on the counter.

"I'll be gone for most of the day. This court trial is going to be a close one" I stick the note onto the fridge.

I take the home phone off the charger and back up stairs. If only I had my own phone but no. Mother says I can't be randomly calling people in the middle of the night. Who would I call? Jesse?

I quickly punch in the numbers. Three rings until he picks up.

"hello?" he says.

"V" I reply.


"stop calling me that"

"sorry no can do"

"soo you see I found your jacket and I'm thinking hmm how did you sneak into my house. And I swear you slept in my bed"

"sorry I just couldn't stand to see you cold. And plus you didn't see, to dislike is" I can hear the teasing note in his voice.

"well that's because I was asleep"

"either way I'm sure you'll enjoy it"

"so let me ask you something"


"why were you in my room and what else did you do to my body?"

"I just couldn't wait till tomorrow to see you. As for your body I didn't do anything. I just held you until you stopped shivering. I was going to leave but you held onto me for dear life"

"I did not!" I hope I didn't at least. I remember dreaming about cuddling with a teddy bear.

"sure whatever you say"

"I got your note by the way"

"I thought so" I could hear him laugh. It literally sounds like the most pleasing sound in the world. There is literally nothing wrong with him like nothing.

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