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I drive Jesse back to Nevada. She says her uncle lives there or whatever but if he doesn't let her in she has enough money to get a apartment. It must be tough on her just a 16 year old with their mom in prison. It was only one can of soup give her a break law jeez. Her mom's out of prison at the moment though but still it must of been pretty hard for her. We drive and drive until I get her to her uncle's house.

He was reluctant enough to take her in. I remember moving out like a week ago but still homeless. I should really find a home and a steady job. I give Jesse a quick hug and drive off. I'm going to miss that girl. I drive off to a Burger King. God am I hungry. I order a burger and some fries. It's a good day to have money. Even if I only have like 50 bucks left.

I sit there in a both at Burger King. Slowly munching on my burger. I pull out my phone. Its a simple black smooth phone. Its a simple phone where the keyboard slides out and you can text someone or so. But me personally there isn't really anyone to text. I stare at the screen. A quote is set as my wallpaper. It reads in white letters "When the world is falling apart and you're tired of it all just close your eyes and I'll be there."

When I was younger. I would sit in the corner of my room with my knees pulled up to my chest my arms hugging my legs. I would rest my chin on my knees and close my eyes. I thought that if I just forgot about everything everything would all be fine. But in reality that was just a big fat lie. Nothing is ever fine.

I remember when it was all good and normal. When Lia and I would come home do our homework and just have a regular family meal. Our parents would ask us how was our day and we would tell them about it and how I would say it was fantastic. And how I played tag with all my friends and how I got to read out loud and got to be a team captain and my team would always win. I didn't consider my friends friends though. It just felt like I was alone and that no one would care if I left and never came back. I was just filler space. I was just there and I existed but no one acknowledged my existance. My parents would congratulate me and cheer me on no matter what I was doing. I was in middle school at the time about 13 years old or so.

Then it would be Lia's turn. Lia was about 7 or so. She would talk about how she got 100% on her spelling test and how she drew this drawing for mom and dad. She really liked to draw even if all she could draw were stick figures. Everything just started to change when I got into 9th grade.

It started a few months into 9th grade. I woke up to my parents screaming and yelling at each other. I hear the sting of words and the sting of a slap. I hear her cry and her screams. Lia stands in the hall holding onto her stuffed animal tightly. The hall illumiating her pink pajamas and her messy black hair.

"Come here." I whisper gestering to her. She nods walking in slowly. She crawls into my bed her green eyes staring up at me. This happened for about a few months. Us falling asleep as we hugged each other. Me wiping away her tears. No matter how much make-up my mother puts on we can still see the bruises and black eyes. And each morning everything would seem normal. Except for the fact that my mom's not as out going and joyful as she used to be. One day in the middle of december I got a call from the my mom.

They found Lia in the snow at school. Her blood preassure was really low. They told me to come to the hospital. My school wasn't too far from it maybe a half mile. I ran and ran until I got there. My face red my fingers blue from the bitter cold. I ran to her room bursting through the door.

There she lay. Hooked up to a IV. Blood flowing through the tube. I can feel tears hot against my cheeks. Her eyes was closed, then and there I thought I had lost my only friend my best friend. I brushed my fingers gently across her cheeks. Her skin ice cold as if the ice queen paid her a visit. I really thought she was going to die. Her skin turning a hint of purple.

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