Chapter 5- ᒆ┃@ﬨऽ @ﬨԂ ᒆ┍⊕Ϧ┃əጢऽ

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(Ivy's POV)

"Your friend seems like she's a good friend." Hidden commented, leaning against one of the walls of the Sycamore Squad hideout.

I looked at them, before looking at the friendship necklace Olivia had gotten for me a few years ago. I sighed. "Yeah, she's amazing. She's always been supportive and stuck by my side."

"That's...nice. What I would give for a friend like that." Hidden looked down at their feet.

"You're friends aren't like that?" Jace piped up.

"No. I don't have...friends." Hidden replied. "I've...made some mistakes that I'm not proud of, and lost them all. I don't think they were ever really friends in the first place though."

"Wow, I...I'm sorry about that." I said. "If you ever need, you have a place with the Sycamore Squad."

"No, no I...I don't think you want me to join your team." Hidden said calmly, looking back down at their feet again. "But, enough of this. If we want to save your friend, we need to come up with a plan to stop Cloud."

"Didn't Olivia give us something...or something?" Jace asked.

I suddenly gasped, and pulled the piece of paper out of my suit's pocket. "That's right! She said his plans were all on here."

"And if we have the plans, we can come up with a way to stop this guy!" Hidden exclaimed. "This is perfect!"

I unfolded the paper and began reading it. "Ivy, if you're reading this, that means I haven't managed to get out. But that also means Cloud isn't finished with his plans. This is all the information I've gathered so far. Cloud has some weird fantasy of technology being so advanced that we don't need superheroes. In order to make this dream reality, he gave me a power to access another dimension that is basically a wasteland of data and technology. With it, he would be able to make anything. And I mean, literally anything. And his ideas are not good. He wants to use that technology to be the most powerful beings in the universe. If we don't stop him, this could be the end of our world. Just think of what could happen if technology like that got into the wrong hands. I hope this information helps. Please, you need to stop this guy. He's psycho! Oh, and...stay safe. Love, Olivia."

"So he wants to make things that could literally destroy the world. Wow, how smart." Hidden said sarcastically. "Is his brain as small as an ant?"

"Who knows? Well, what do you guys think? I think it's time to make a plan." I stated.


"Ok, think this is enough?" I ask.

"Let's see..." Hidden muttered, looking over the plan again. "First, I sneak into the base, get an access card and a map, and let you guys in. Second, Jace uses his quills to quickly take out any guards that get in our way. Third, we all make our way to Olivia, and rescue her. Fourth, We all make our way over to the lab, and destroy the machine used to give Olivia her powers. Fifth, we find a way to remove Olivia's powers so Cloud has no reason to hunt her down. Sixth, we find CLoud, and take him out. Seventh, celebrate our victory."

Jace hummed in thought, while I looked at Hidden expectantly.

"Hm, could work." Hidden stated. "But we need to be a stealthy and quiet as possible."

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