Chapter 6- ꗟቲəᑶ ◯ﬨə ß@⸦𐌊 ቲ⊕ Ƶə┍⊕

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(Olivia's POV)


I jolted awake from a bang, and looked around. Where was I? This wasn't the lab. And why does the ground seem to be shaking a bit?

"So, you're finally awake." A voice from a speaker in the corner of the room sounded.


"I took it upon myself to schedule a little...road trip. After the little stunt your friends pulled...well, we can't have history repeating itself, can we?  Anyways, we'll be arriving at our destination in a little over an hour. Do enjoy the rest of your ride."


(Ivy's POV)

"Should I call in sick? Maybe I should call in sick...Mom, can I call in sick?" I paced around the living room of our apartment, freaking out slightly.

"No, you aren't calling in sick, Ivy." Mom replied, peeking into the room from the kitchen. "I know Olivia's missing, and we're all worried, but remember, she said you shouldn't come for her yet. And besides, with all this...whatever is going on, you've missed a ton of school. I'm sorry Sweetie, but you can't risk getting expelled."

"Not that getting expelled seems like a bad thing..." I muttered under my breath.

"Um, excuse me, but getting expelled is a very bad thing. Do you know how bad of a reputation you could get for basically being a high school dropout?" Dad exclaimed.

"Don't forget the lack of education!" Mom called from the kitchen.

"Well, that too." Dad said, before leaning close to my ear and whispering, "But we're mainly focusing on the reputation."

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Alright, alright. I'll go to school or whatever, but I'm out with Jace and Hidden the moment  that last bell rings."

Dad ruffled my hair and handed me my backpack. "I wouldn't expect anything less from the top hero in the city."

Mom sighed. "I still don't trust that Hidden Figure guy or whatever. Like, why do they take such measures to keep their identity a secret from a superhero? Suspicious, if you ask me."

"Mom, relax. I know Hidden might seem a at times, but we kinda have to trust them. But don't worry, I'll keep my guard up." I assured as I put my backpack on. "I'll see you later, Guys."

"Ooh, when you get Olivia, make sure you have her come for dinner tonight. Our treat." Dad grinned as I began walking to the door.

"Will do." I said, before leaving the apartment.


"So, when are we going through with the plan?" Jace asked, sitting down at our lunch table.

"Tonight, hopefully." I replied. "Just remember-"

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