Chapter 7- ᒆ┃@⸦əऽ

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(Ivy's POV)

"That's the last place." I heard Hidden say. I swallowed back a choked sob. We had no idea where she could have gone, and time was running out.

"Please, no..." I muttered, before feeling myself get pulled into a soft, warm embrace. Jace gently placed his chin on top of my head as I sobbed into his shoulder. He began rubbing circles on my back, and if it had been under less dire circumstances, I probably would've been blushing like mad.

"Hey, shh, it's alright." Jace muttered. "We're gonna find her. We're not gonna stop for anything until we do. So don't you dare give up on her now."

"Come to think of it, I might know one more place they could've taken her." Hidden then said.


We dropped down at an old-looking building in one of the most secluded spots in the city, towards the outskirts. The area had been notorious for gang activities back before the mass superhero disappearance 25 some years ago. I know this because my dad told me. After all, he was one of Trita City's superhero's before he fell victim to the worldwide disappearance.

"This place? But it's been abandoned except for the few rebellious kids for years." Jace said.

"Until recently." Hidden stated. "My sonar sweeper recently has been picking up unusually strange activity around here. It might just be our ticket to finding Olivia."

"Hey, that's the first time you said her name." Jace commented.


"You've just been calling Olive 'your friend' constantly. You just called her by her name."

"uh- whatever. Let's just go."


'Welp, this isn't good.' I thought, running through the halls of the secret underground base we found under the building. Alarms blared and the lights around us were all flashing red, and the three of us could hear guards shouting, looking for us.

"I told you we shouldn't have stepped into the base like it was nothing!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"Well sorry!" Jace replied. "I thought they were gonna pull the trick of making us believe there was a trap so we wouldn't simply walk in and we would trigger a trap the other way!"

"Stop arguing! This way!" Hidden exclaimed, turning left. Jace and I both followed.

We ended up running straight into a squadron of guards, but we literally barreled through them like it was nothing. We could hear them shouting behind us, but we kept going. Although we ended up having to dodge bullets, so that wasn't very fun.

"I think this is the room!" Hidden exclaimed, and kicked down the door while I used my bo staff to keep the guards back from reach us.

"Shoot, what on earth did they do to her?!" I could hear Jace shriek behind me.

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