An Explanation

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So um, I think an explanation is in order, considering this is book two of what is meant to be a trilogy and it's very obvious I haven't finished this yet. And because this is my first original series, and it holds a special place in my heart, and I honestly had no intentions of ending it.

The Introducing Ivy series is a series I have been writing since...I believe 2020. Allow me to check that real quick—yep, the introduction/prologue was posted June 13, 2020. So, it's been going on for a while! And to think, this all started from a half-baked idea at 2:00 PM on a Wednesday (it took me a few days to get the plot fully together and written out) during summer break almost two years ago by this point.

No, I'm not discontinuing the series all together. I've come way too far to give up now. And there's no way I'd leave my readers with a forever dissatisfaction of not being able to know how the story ends!

Think of this as..."I'm leaving but I'll be back!" -Peridot, Steven Universe.

I'm ending this book here, but it's far from over. I'm happy to announce I've begun a rewrite.

I'm currently going to school with a writing major, and when I reread Introducing Ivy I just cringed. And I had plans for a rewrite for a while, but I just felt like I couldn't wait any longer.

It might be a while for the book, since my intentions are to finish writing and then release a chapter a day. But we'll see!

Anyways, I'll see you all soon!

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