Burning up

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" it's eating me alive. I can feel it every day. Slowly it comes on to me. It latches on and sucks the life from me. Mornings I can get by just fine, but the nights kill me. I lay there paralyzed as I feel the waves of sadness wash over me. And the enemy comes and causes me to panic. The anxiety of it all makes me think it's normal. But I just can't take the loneliness anymore."

"Please don't talk to me for him. I hate having to show you my emotions that are meant for him. And I hate how he doesn't get what I'm trying to tell him. If he wants a straight answer let him come to me. But oh how I fear that he will. For what will I say to him if he does? I can't fall at his feet again and follow him everywhere he wishes to go. So please let me run away."

"Please accept my dearest apology for all I've said and done to you. It hurts like hell to think of what you might think of me now. I never wanted to break your heart. And I certainly didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just can't take the burning pain anymore. I need an escape. So go  ahead and hate me. I deserve it. I deserve all the pain I'm in. I don't deserve to be let off the hook easy, for the things I've done. It's just human nature for me to try and come up with excuses. So Hate me. And just know I'll never hate you."

"Do you ever wish time could freeze? It's like time is chasing me down and I'm in mid fall. How can I possibly win this race if I'm tripping over my own feet?"

" I need a re start. I need to be far away from you. I need a new life. a new favourite spot. I need a new song. And I need my heart to heal."

"You did more for me by texting me then anyone has talking to me. And I thank you for that. But I selfishly hope, someone will care enough to go out of their way, to make sure I'm doing well. But alas that is too much of me to ask. And I do not wish too burden anyone with my silly problems."

"It felt wonderful to talk to someone that understood. And it felt wonderful to just sit there in your arms. But it hurt when we pulled away. I wanted another hug, but at the same time I new it was foolish. It was foolish of myself to open up to you. It was foolish of me to have gotten us in that place. So for that I apologize."

"Loneliness doesn't always mean your alone. It can mean that you feel lonely with the company your with. So no I'm not alone. But yes I'm lonely."

"The more the voices tell me to go back, the harder I push to go forward. Maybe there's a reason they constantly tell me to turn around. But I fear I cannot see the need to turn around. "

"Why do you have to be so nice to me. And why do you have to be so intriguing. It's annoying but I love it. And that's bad. So please mind what you say to me. For I take everything to heart."

"I love that you care, but please be wear of me. For I am quick to attach myself to those that do."

" I appreciate you all. I really do. And I apologize in advance for hurting you. But please accept it when I say I need a week away. It's like every day I feel myself fading away. But I can't help but force myself to stay. So please if I may ask you all to stay until the end of the day. I promise I'll explain and take my get away."

"It burns so bad, I can hardly breath. I want to scream, but I can hardly speak."

"Should I have spoken those words? Will they tint the way you see? I knew full well that I should keep it to myself. And yet I let it out under the stars. Tell me why do I trust you so?"

"Please know that it doesn't matter. None of it matters. The only thing that matters is you."

"I fear you know me better then I know myself. It's scary really. But there's something comforting about it. To know that you understand, and care."

"If you'd just listen to me once in a while, I'd spend more time with you. But you never give me the chance to talk. So I go to the only person who will. So I'm sorry if you find me rude. But I'm sick of being ignored."

"Don't do that to me. I'm not mentally or physically able to do this anymore. Im ready to break."

"Why me. Why does this always happen to me. I can't handle it anymore. First I had to break them and now you want me to break you too. Run now while you can. There's no escaping the fire once's there's a spark."

"What would you do if I died? I know what I'd do if you died. I'd become numb. I'd wish we could have gone together. So why is it that we all wish to go, yet never wish to see others go?"

"The clock ticks in slow rhythms as time runs on. Oh how I wish it could speed up. My heart beats with the seconds and my mind races with the time."

"How is it possible that every time we are together time freezes. Yet it is never enough time. Seconds turn into minutes, and minutes turn into hours when I'm with you. And it scares me, it scares me how much I need you around. And I know you won't always be there. So I'm scared of that day. But boy, I'll be happy if you are. So don't fear leaving me behind. I'll watch you go happily, if it means your happiness."

"They call me foolish, with their eyes that follow me. They whisper those lies into each other's ears as I pass. And they glare as jealousy clouds their view."

"Are you not all I've ever wanted? It just seems to good to be true. What am I missing? Maybe it's the fact that I'm not ready to marry. Or maybe it's because I don't know my calling. Or maybe it's you. Maybe I'm just scared to fully commit. Maybe I'm scared of love. It would be ironic. The girl who only dreamed of love couldn't find any."

"I feel it whenever you're around. It's amazing and breathtaking. I love it. I love you."

"We sit there, hearts beating fast. Bodies pressed together and souls soaring high. Your lips touch my cheek and shivers run down my spine. Oh how I long to turn my face an inch. One movement and I could have it all. But alas I cannot, I must be strong.  One day I say. One day."

"What words can describe what you do to me? You fit me better then anyone I could imagine. You make me laugh and feel special. You care beyond anyone could. You are amazing."

"Heat rushes to my face as your lips linger on the nape of my neck. Your breath warm and sweet, I can't help but melt into you. Wishing I could become one with you."

"You make me smile when I'm trying to fight back tears. You make me laugh when I get too stressed. You calm me down when the storm in my mind is raging. And you melt my heart every time you look at me."

" there aren't enough words to describe you. There aren't enough ways to express my love for you."

" all I ever wanted was a king, and to be treated as his queen."

" I cannot explain to you how much pain I'm in. I cannot tell you what will heal me. And I cannot find my own way out. So I'll sit here as the fire burns in my lungs. And the heat leaves blisters on my skin. Until that day arrives where my pain turns to joy. "

" how could I have been so wrong, I thought I knew where this path lead. I saw a clear path of hopes and dreams. Only it was a painting on a wall, not a path. and now I have a broken nose."

" I never wanted this wake up call. I wanted to carry on in dream land. I wanted to see myself achieve my life long dream. But now as I lay awake I realize dreams are for children."

" all I ever wanted was love. all I dreamed of having was a family. All I wished for was the one. And all I got was the backside of a door."

" I wish I could give you the space you need. But it's killing me. I can't handle being left in the dark. I feel as if I might break."

"You promised me the world and tore it away the day I believed you."

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the small peak into my crazy life ;D

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