Freezing over

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"I'm sorry if you feel betrayed. I never meant for this to happen. But it's for the best. Even if you can't see it right now."

"Numb. It's the state I'm in. In my mind and in my soul."

"She laughs softly as her best friend tells her how much she will be missed. Shaking her head she replies, give it two years and maybe someone will notice I'm gone. Just like last time."

"I'm death the voice says. My nose fills with a sickly sweet smell as my knees tremble. Death brushes past me Whispering his tempting offers In my ears. I squeeze my eyes shut, and clench my fists. No, I won't go. I say in the strongest voice I can muster. Now leave me alone I shout. And when I dare to open my eyes, he's no where in sight. I sigh in relief as the quiet I'm so used too settles over me once again."

"Don't be scared her heart begs. Just breathe and move on please. I'm begging you don't look back."

"All these questions swarm my thoughts like bees to a hive. And boy I just need some honey to calm them down."

" you intoxicate me with your smell. As soon as you walk by I feel as if it's pulling me towards you. You dazzle me with your laugh. Your laughter echoes throughout the room making my heart skip a beat. You delight me with your mind. You say things to cheer me up and I'm amazed at how you think."

"I wanted you to like me. And I wanted to let myself like you. But we live in two separate worlds that simply can't cross over."

"They say it's a sin for me to love you. So baby I'll walk through hell for you."

"My world was turned upside down the day you came along. Spinning slowly at first, but now my world is spinning so fast I can't see straight."

"Tears are all I know the girl says blankly. I have lived in this pain for years. And it's okay. I'd rather take your pain from you forever then get better and see you suffer."

"I want to be with you. I want to hold you and be held. But I ruined it like I ruin everything. I gave you my heart but I wasn't allowed too. And now I've tried to take it back without hurting you. But I failed and now you hate me like I deserve."

"I can't change what I did in my naive way. But just know I will always be sorry. And I really did like you a lot."

"It's always going to be a painful memory for me. It will take time to heal this wound carved into my heart."

"Part of me wants to blame you, but I know I'll always blame myself."

"One day maybe I hope you'll have the heart to forgive me. To see things from my perspective."

"If only you could see what it is that makes the world go round."

"I don't understand why you would say that to me. Could you not see I was already in pain?"

"I don't want to move on from you. I don't want to be here. But I have no choice, they forced me into it and now all I can do is wait till dark to feel my emotions."

"I know you were never mine. But you were in my dreams. And now that I've been forced awake I've lost you forever."

"Why do you keep doing this to me. You say you miss me, then you block me. You say you want me, then you yell at me. You tell me you could never hate me, but I'm confused."

"I know you said you like me, but I can't help but fear you'll change your mind."

"Even though they never stay, the girl still believes he will. That he's different from the rest of them."

"Your songs make my heart flutter and my knees weak. You know how to make me smile as if I'm the only girl in the world."

"Your not like him. You wish to see my face for it holds beauty in your eyes. And he wished to see my body for it cured his desires."

"I poured my heart and soul out to you. And how do you repay me. You blame me for hurting you and you abandon me. You leave me believing that I deserve all of this."

"How is this fair? You keep dragging me around like I'm a bag of dirt. You only treat me nice when you want me to fix your broken heart. You pull me out of the darkness only too take my light. You convinced me that your the only one who has feelings and gets to show them. How am I to ever shine if you keep me in your pocket for rainy days."

"You tell me I'm the one. That you will do anything to have me forever. But the next day you tell me I'm not worth it and you want to give up on life and leave me here alone."

"Tell me your lies, wrap me around your finger. Promise me the life I've always dreamed of. Ignore my opinions and send me to the kitchen where I belong."

"If I said those three words would you believe them? Or would you continue to say your the only one who does."

"I think their right. I trust too much. I care too much. Look where it's gotten me. The first time I was too scared to leave. The second time I was too scared to speak. And now I'm too scared to move."

"You are my safety, you are the blanket I wrap around my heart. I run to you whenever they hurt me. And yet you run to her."

"Don't tell me I'm beautiful in your eyes while your holding her hands. Don't tell me you feel ugly so I jump at the chance to tell you your beautiful. It hurts too much. I've spent half my life loving you, and you've never looked my way."

"You always care for me, but not enough to ever want me."

"As we begin again for the fourth time I ponder what will end us for the fifth time. You tell me I was the one running away from you. But you were the one pushing me away."

"I don't understand, once you were my prince. And I was your queen. But now we're on the fence and I don't know which way to lean."

"I miss you so much darling can't you see? All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy."

"We're just too toxic together. At least that's what they tell me. They also tell me we'd make a terrible couple. I don't want to listen to them. But their voices are getting to loud."

"Telling me you want too die is the worst thing you could ever say to me. Because I care about you enough to do whatever is necessary to prevent it. You really think I'd roll over and let you?"

"I hope you look back and realize what you lost. But I also hope you find the help you need so you can get a life you deserve."

"Please stop texting me, I told you we can't work. I really don't want too block you so please move on."

" your so negative, you used to be so bubbly. I liked you when you were happy they say. Yeah well I liked myself when I was happy too."

"Why would you date her if you don't love her? I guess I'll never understand for I date for love."

"I see the way you try to find a loop hole. And I'm sure you see the way I try to speak to you. But we need to move on and stop trying to force what's not meant to be."

"They say you find love when you stop trying. So I guess it's time to give up on love."

Thanks for reading:)

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