Chapter 4

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It was already 7 and I hurried to get out of the office and drove home to change my clothes. I yelled for Neela and we went to 'Elly's'. I looked around there but Shannon haven't arrived till than. I found a table, sat down and ordered a cold water. I watched the door open and Shannon came in, he looked so Damn hot, but This is not the reason why we met. He walked straight to me, i stood up and he hugged me "Hi A.J.!" I was a little bit confused but didn't show it. "Hi Shannon, nice to meet you." " That pleasure is all mine!"  he ordered something to drink. "Tell me about Andrea." "She is 15 years old and has leukemia" "How did you find her?" "She wrote me a letter, She would like to meet you." "Well, than how does she find you?" "I work for a social organization next to my actually job." "Wow that's really cool. When should we meet?" "whenever you have time." "Whats about Saturday morning? and After that You will go out with me." "Sounds good … wait what?" "Please, at moring meeting Andrea, than lunch with you and in the evening the next show. That's a great plan for a weekend, isn't it?" "Well, yes You're right" i began to laugh. "Okay Saturday morning at 10?" "Yes that's great." " Thank you very much Shannon!" "No problem! I think it is wonderful what you do for the kids!" "thanks again Shannon." "What are your plans for tonight?" "I haven't planed anything and yours?" "I wanted to go out and eat something." "This is a good plan!" we laughed. "Do you want to come with me?" "At an other day I would say yes, but At home waits a lot of work for me and Neela needs something to eat." "Who is Neela? Your child?" he asked confuesed. "No no! My dog!" i laughed so hard that my stomach began to hurt. "Neela? C'mon Where are you?" i called her. " Behind the counter next to me!" the owner Mrs. Brighton said. "Oh Neela, No! Come here!" She came to me and looks at me like she wanted to say "I'm here! what the hell do you want?". "Hi big doggy do you want something to eat?" Shannon asked her and she answered like she could understand him. "Well A.J. it looks like you have to come with me" he winked. "Okay okay." We drunk our drinks and left, he opened the car door for Neela and than for me " Get in please! And yes i know that you have your own car." I got in and we drove to a small vegetarian restaurant. I'm not a good veggie sometimes I need a little steak, only a little one. "Shannon thats a restaurant and there are no dogs allowed!" "Well, in this one it's allowed." We went in and I saw some waving hands. "Hi guys, this is A.J. and the little hairy lady is Neela." he said to Tomo and Jared. "Damn what a cute husky" Tomo said and stroked her over the head. "So you are the friend of Cherry?" Jared asked and smiled. "Yes." i was really nervous but That was gone as I heard Cherry's voice behind me.

Shannon 's  POV

We sat down, Cherry near Jared and A.J. near me. Tomo sat in the middle of us. We ate something and late at night we left the restaurant. A.J. and Neela drove with Cherry back to A.J.'s car. The days went by fast. At Saturday morning I woke up early and went in the bathroom for a hot shower. After that I looked for some clothes and drove to the meeting with Andrea. I was looking forward to see A.J. again. I arrived at the hospital and waited there for A.J., as she arrived too we went in and met Andrea's mom first. We went to her room and a big man stood before it. "Hi A.J. my little girl! how are you?" "i'm great and you Sebastian?" "Too! hi, I'm Sebastian" he introduced himself to me. "I'm Shannon." "Sebastian is a member of the new England patriots and the other one Andrea Wanted to meet." A.J. said politely. "Okay, than let's go" Sebastian and I said at same time. "Wait a minute, i'll go in first with her mom and than I will call you two." We nodded and she went in. "You're a sweet couple" Sebastian said. "We are only friends, nothing more." "Oh i'm sorry. It looked like as you two came up." A.J. called us in and Andrea began to cry of happiness. "Thank you A.J., My dreams became reality!" A.J. began to cry, too. It was an amazing experience. After meeting Andrea We went to a little restaurant and eat something. "Whats your actually name?" i asked her. "Anastasia Janning." "a Beautiful name for a beautiful woman". Her face turned to a deep red. "Thank you Shannon." After lunch, we said goodbye and I drove back home.

A.J.'s POV

I arrived home and Neela waited already for me. I fed her and went in the tub and laid there for the rest of the day. The next months i worked so much that Cherry was worried about me. "Girl you need to relax! And because Christmas is near i bought already something for you. Open it!" "Yes Mommy. Are you crazy?" "What a question! You know i am!" she giggled. "Tickets for the 30 seconds to mars show tonight?" "Yes!" "There are 2 tickets… Oh okay i know! You want to see Jared again!!" "You got me! And because I know that you want to see Shannon! I've saw your face last week as you checked your instagram. You were smiling as you saw photos of him!!" We started to laugh. "So hurry up and get ready! They wouldn't wait for us!" I ran in my bedroom and threw my clothes around, after some minutes i ran back to Cherry and we drove to the arena. We were right in time, the security opened doors immediately. We went in and stood near by the stage. The show began, Jared entered the stage and began to sing. Than Tomo came up and finally Shannon. We were happy like never before in life.

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