Chapter 6-Underworld

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*#$%^&*()This book contains self-harm, abuse, language, and other topics. If you are uncomfortable with these things or are uncomfortable reading these topics I advise you to leave to find one of my other books that don't have these subjects. continue at your own risk*#$%^&*()

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WARNING this chapter WILL have graphic descriptions of gore and pictures of the underworld characters at the end of the chapter. 

(No Ones P.O.V.) 

Walking through the portal Ink looked around, taking in the extremely ominous feeling he got from the surrounding area. Underworld was not for the light of heart what-so-ever, the au practically like HorrorTale but on steroids. The AU having morphed into a savage much more creepy place than any other, coming in second place to most terrifying AU. First place holder being HELP_TALE. 

The immense hight of the caves going up so much you couldn't even begin to guess where the incline stopped. The portal had appeared where the humans were supposed to fall. The humans that did end up falling were just barely saved by the strange yellow flowers that grew in in a large mangled patch. Even the flowers were desperate for any kind of relief they could get from the vary faint glow of the sun. To this day it even surprised Ink how any human could survive the fall into Underworld, because looking up from the patch Ink stood on only a speck shone from where the hole to the underworld was. The sun looked like a single grain of sand in the vast anti void from where he stood. 

When Ink turned around he saw that the portal had disappeared meaning that there was no turning back now. Since Ink still couldn't teleport  he would have to travel by foot as terrible as that idea was. Good thing he was wearing darker clothes. Turning to move forward he saw the passage that Toriel would usually walk through. The hallway being at least 30 feet high. Vines growing messily out of the cracks in the walls, seeming to strangle the stone that held it to the point of crumbling. Broken pillars of marble that were once used to support the ceiling were now broken and shattered by who knows what god forsaken monster of this hell. 

Continuing to walk down the shady hallway Ink soon made it to the spiked puzzle that Toriel usually led the fallen children through. Like the Undertale ruins it looked very dangerous. Molten lava running through a trench that was dug on both sides of the wall so you couldn't walk around the deathtrap. The puzzle seemed broken beyond repair which helped Ink a lot. Gashes on the puzzle made by Toriel set up a great path for Ink to walk through. Continuing through the puzzle, Ink walked over the broken spears and pointed metal spikes that were once part of a brilliant trap. 

When Ink had walked a fair distance through the Ruins he heard an awful gargling noise and panted out screeches. It was Toriel.. She was on her daily patrol of the Ruins to make sure everything was in check. 

Rushing quickly into the next room there was an old willow tree grew there. It was an unhealthily looking green and overgrown from the years of neglected care. It would have to do since there was nothing else for him to hide in. 

Grabbing onto the bark Ink silently swore each time the bark would give in and break or when a brach broke beneath his weight, he couldn't have Toriel raise suspicions of him being there. Once up the tree Ink moved more vines over him just in time to see a tall goat monster shuffling towards the room. 

Ink sat there in the tree holding his breath as he then watched a large goat monster over 12 feet tall shuffle into his line of sight. The monster before him let out raspy dry breaths, its slit pupils looking around rapidly as black drool hung from its teeth. Toriel had four large horns that curled and twisted on her head, cracks and scratches lining the surface of them. Her fur was matted and stained with blood, bald spots and scars littering her body but that these weren't the most concerning features no.. The biggest thing that stood out about the enormous monster before Ink was that her entire lower jaw had been ripped off. the only thing left to show it had been there at all was the scar on her skull and the long tongue that hang there.

 Toriel stood there for a moment letting out a loud screech into the room to try and draw out any imposters that might be hiding there. Covering his ears Ink watched as a few birds were spooked and flew franticly around screeching and flailing in fear. Toriel only looked vigilantly around the room to each bird before her body began to turn. Walking away she still kept her head turned to the room like an owl. 

The last thing Ink saw from her was when a bird flew besides the large goat monster, Toriel reacting as fast as light to snatch the poor creature and tear it open before shoving it in her mouth (or what's left of it). Blood poring out of the dead carcass to add to the older red and black stains on her. That should keep her happy for now.. 

Waiting until Toriel had finally turned the corner in the hallway Ink let out a small sigh, relaxing back against the tree for a moment before jumping down. That was too close for comfort but he knew that Toriel would be the least of his worries in the AU. Since Toriel was headed to where the children usually fell down Ink could take this as a chance to sprint to her home and get to the door that led to the rest of the Underground. It would be the safest option all things considered. 

this was going to be an interesting journey..


HEYA-- sorry its been so long since ive updated- akgfkuaewufjheaf 

just been super busy with school, Homelife, and most of all mental health. Its all up and down at the moment so I cant guarantee that I will be updating anytime soon. I just hope you enjoy this last minute shitty chapter-- 


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