Chapter 4- Mutt

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*#$%^&*()This book contains self-harm, abuse, language, and other topics. If you are uncomfortable with these things or are uncomfortable reading these topics I advise you to leave to find one of my other books that don't have these subjects. continue at your own risk*#$%^&*()

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No one's P.O.V. 

As Ink finished tying his boots he started walking deeper into the woods that surrounded Waterfall. The soft glow that reflected off the water, combined with the light pitter-patter of the water falling in small caverns was calming in a small way.

 Ink continued to walk slowly through Waterfall, watching the calm scenery and trying to forget what had happened in recent events. The vague stinging of the cuts and wounds from the past 2 days not phasing the skeleton at all. 

Continuing through the area Ink slowly made his way through the AU. Exiting Waterfall he soon headed towards the True lab in the Swapfell Brother's backyard. Ink didn't have Broomy with him since he left him in the Anti-Void on accident, and his magic level was low so Ink couldn't teleport on his own. The True Lab in their backyard has a portal opener in it so Ink can head over to Nightmare's mansion to see what they will do next. 

The vials shattering and pushing Dream off the cliffs of Outertale had to have surprised them. Ink had planned to sneak into the mansion undercover just to see if the Bad Sanses were planning on anything or were still in shock. 

Trudging through the thick snow in the woods Ink soon made his way towards the entrance of the AU's Snowdin. Ink continued forward Pulling up his hood as he walked, so he wouldn't bring attention to himself. 

Once arriving at the skeleton brother's house he lightly knocked on the door. Ink was no expert on mechanics so he needed Mutt's help to start up the portal. Assuming that he hadn't been informed of Inks whereabouts recently Ink wasn't concerned about being bombarded by questions. 

"MUTT!! GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND GO ANSWER THE DAMN DOOR!!" Razz voice boomed from inside the house. Ink could swear he could hear a muffled "yeah yeah.." from Mutt as he dragged his feet walking towards the door, unlocking all 4 locks on the door to be greeted with a very sleep-deprived looking Ink. 

Mutt stared for a moment before stepping aside and trying to process why Ink was at his house looking like he just got processed through a meat grinder 5 times. Ink couldn't blame him though. Ink couldn't recall the last time he had bathed or taken proper care of himself but that wasn't the reason he was there. 

"WHO IS IT MUTT?" Razz (swapfell sans) said while keeping his eyes glued to the page of the book he had in hand. "Umm, Its Ink M'Lord." Mutt answered, uncertainly scratching the back of his skull. 

Razz seems to be surprised by this and suddenly closed his book with one hand like one of those sass girls do in movies when they hear something they don't like. Turning around to look at them it seemed like a daft thing for Ink to come to their house of all places. Considering how much Ink had liked annoying Razz in the past but this time Razz noticed how different Ink's aura was. 

"UMM... ALRIGHT. WHATEVER YOUR BUSINESS IS HERE GET IT OVER WITH. I DON'T WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ANOTHER MULTIVERSE MESS." Razz stated while waving his hand dismissively. Putting the book under his arm and grabbing a neatly folded blanket from another chair in the room he walked upstairs to most presumably his room to continue his book in peace. 

Ink and Mutt watched silently as Razz disappeared at the top of the stairs, hearing a fell universe' signature a slam of a door. Once he had slammed the door Mutt immediately whipped his head towards Ink. "Alright Ink what shit did you get yourself into this time?" Mutt said looking Ink in the eye sockets. 

His eyesights were pure white and not glowing the different colors of the rainbow per-usual. Ink's clothes were heavy-looking as if he were headed into the Alaskan forests, and he was not as enthusiastic and bubbly as usual. Mutt was usually able to discern what Ink wanted but this time he was completely lost. This was not the Ink Mutt knew at all, and for once he was worried for the smaller. 

"I just need your help opening up a portal. I lost broomy in the Anti-void while chasing Error. I need the portal to take me to AU#69UW timeline 7." Ink stated looking up at Mutt without a care about what he had just requested. "ARE YOU INSANE?! Error nor Nightmare even dare go in that AU after the first incident!" Mutt yelled in shock, thinking that this skeleton had a death wish.

Not that he didn't, but Ink just wanted to go somewhere no one would check anytime soon. He just wanted to hide somewhere so he could finally rest. Ink had snatched some unstable sleeping drug from Sci when he wasn't looking a while back, in hopes he could fake death to his friends. Then again, monsters dust when they die and since Ink can't die his body wouldn't dust, he would just end up being put in a hospital. Ink had planned to make a secluded cave away from everyone in the AU and take the drug there so he could maybe have a normal temporary death. A forced coma you could say. It sounded like a nice break. Not very healthy but Ink didn't care. He wouldn't have to worry about being interrupted anytime soon and have to worry about fights. If Error were to destroy an AU he would be in a coma, too knocked out to wake up from the pain. 

Mutt still didn't know why Ink would want to travel to Underworld of all AU's but he didn't want to question in fear he would end up going with the skeleton in that hellhole. (if you don't know what Underworld is just look up "Underworld AU" and you'll see it. It's like a death AU where everyone looks like Horrortale but 20 times worse)

Mutt nodded slightly and led Ink to their backyard, still uncertain about Ink's motives. He had so many questions. Why was he going there? Why had he changed so drastically? What about the multiverse? what about the Bad Sanses? Wouldn't his friends know about what he was doing?

It wasn't Mutt's place to say anything but he did plan on telling them the truth if anyone came looking. He assumed it was still supposed to be a secret but he knew Ink would find a way to work the machine with or without his help so he wouldn't push his luck. 

Walking through the cold and onto a slick path, they walked towards the shed. It was small and looked insignificant compared to any other old shed but this small shed held some of the biggest mysteries in the underground. 

Patiently Ink watched Mutt as he held out his hand and let his magic form. Watching as a small rusted copper key was warped to his skeletal palm from wherever Mutt had hidden it. 

Taking the key in hand he slid it into the lock and gave a firm twist. Hearing the lock hit the ground with a heavy clunk they slowly entered the shed. 

Closing the door behind them they continued on. The only light was the one that shone from underneath the door, dimly lighting the room. Mutt then reached down to a circular silver handle that was attached to a square metal door in the ground. Lifting it up there was a dark staircase that led down to the True Lab. "After you..." said Mutt as he gestured towards the dark stairwell. 

Ink just stared at him for a moment before looking back down the seemingly pitch-black hole. Then taking a deep breath in and out he started to walk down the stairs with Mutt following closely behind. 

1407 words

Heya! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this book in so long qwq. I'm sick today but don't worry, it's just a small fever. I'm still trying to get into a good schedual for updating so please try and bear with me here. 😅

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