.+*+. Eleven .+*+.

730 9 11

The vehicle slowed to a stop outside an old store. The weather was cold, snow barely visible in the air. They seemed to float past your face in slow motion. The snowy mountains in the distance gave you an idea of your next destination. The music from the car got quieter as you zoned out. "Just the two of us.." The melody mumbled, snow swirling and falling to the ground. It began to fall harder as Richie and Eddie ran past you, laughing. They twirled in the falling snow, slipping on ice and catching each other. The snow caught in Richie's curly hair and just slipped out of Eddies. The air was a pale blue and calming. Stan was scolding the duo and listing safety rules. Beverly laughed at their antics. Bill seemed to scoff, covering a laugh up. Ben was laughing as well, getting a video. It seemed like a new warmth was spreading through your body. A warm, pink feeling. One that starts in your heart and rises up to your face, coating it the same pink. It spreads through your chest, making you feel warm and fuzzy. It felt like butterflies were set loose in your stomach. And as Eddie slipped and hit the ice from laughing too hard and Richie helped him up, giggling as well, you went stiff with a new realization.

You loved Richie.


Now, you have always loved Richie. But seeing him happiest, no care in the world, had sparked a new kind of love.

You were suddenly nudged by Richie. You turned to him. His face was flushed pink, probably from laughing. His hair was damp, probably from the snow. And even though he looked like he'd be uncomfortable given the temperature and wet hair, he still showed that crooked smile. Butterflies. "Too scared to slip?" He smirked. You smiled and shook your head. "C'mon then." He led you towards the ice. 

✓ // Almond Milk Dreams // Richie Tozier x Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora