.+*+. Thirteen .+*+.

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You sat up quickly, Richie ripping the blanket off of you. "Jesus-" You were cut off by him jumping on you. "C'mon! I just heard where we're going!" He excitedly screeched. "Where?" You got out of bed and shooed him off, getting ready. "The amusement park!" He laughed, outside the bathroom. A smile lit across your face and you rushed out.


You could see all the rides etching closer. Excitement built up as you guys spoke. "So, what first?" Bev asked. "Rollercoasters!" Richie leaned forward. Eddie's face went darker. "Hell no! Tha- I- Wha?! I could die! What if the rails broke?! What if we all fucking die?!" He flung his arms around, gasping. Richie took notice of this, wrapping an arm around him. "Dude, chill it." He shook him slightly, handing him his inhaler. Eddie nodded a thanks and took a deep breath. "You can stay with me if you'd like." Ben offered, "I don't wanna go on." He smiled. Eddie nodded. Stan and Mike ended up staying too as the remaining 4 headed towards the ride.

The cart held you guys in. Richie insisted you two sat in the very back. "The back is the best seat!" is what he claimed. You rolled your eyes playfully as he gripped your arm in excitement. "Right here!" He pointed at the hill the cart was climbing. You simply stayed quiet, admiring him. The way his nose curved, almost the same curve as his jaw. His little freckles. Butterflies. He turned to you, smiling. "You're pretty." He grinned. "So are you, dumbass." You smiled, poking his nose. He shook his head, letting the curls in his hair fall in front of his eyes. You guys were almost at the top now. Your heart raced as he grabbed your hand. As you reached the peak of the roller coaster, you couldn't keep it in. "I love you." You blurted. You felt Richie stiffen his posture as his face went red. His mouth opened and closed like he was trying to breathe, but he had forgotten how. After what felt like an eternity, he finally smiled slightly and squeezed your hand tighter. He gazed at you and mumbled. "I love you too."


As the cart traveled down the track, you didn't yell of joy because of the ride, like the others. You yelled for a different reason. You yelled because you felt complete. You yelled because that tugging feeling in your heart was gone. You yelled because after everything the two of you have gone through, you were together.

Richie held your hand up in the air with his. You glanced at him and he grinned. "I love you, Y/N!" You could barely hear him over the others, but you did. "I love you too!" You smiled, laughing.

✓ // Almond Milk Dreams // Richie Tozier x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now