ejirou kirishima x sad! suicidal! reader. stay with me, pebble.

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hi. sorry I haven't updated in a while. ive started work again so I don't have time to write. but this ine will touch on sensitive subjects. so if you wanna skip go a head. im not feeling 100% again (nothing new there then) and this is the only none harmful way I ca do it. so like I said, if you don't like the stuff in here then you can skip over it. but to those who stay, try to enjoy ok? sorry....}}

(Y/N) POV:

today was just another kick in the teeth. most people in UA don't like our class cause of who we are. and, some people in 1A are just.... yeah.... kiri is the only one who isn't an asshole to me. along with like deku and uraraka, but kiri is my boyfriend so..... I still think hes dating me cause he feels sorry for me. I was walking home after a hard day of doing work, training and being victim to mineta and his... nasty habits. the girls in class feel sorry for me cause I just get all the shit from everyone. I open my front door and sigh when I hear my parents yelling again. I sighed and went to my room, locked my door and got on with work. I got changed into comfy clothes and continued with my work. I put on a song and listened to it on repeat.

I heard the front door slam and someone coming upstairs. I paused my music when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and saw my mum, she looked at me softly and asked what I wanted for dinner. I said I was fine and that I wasn't hungry. she sighed and nodded, told me she loved me and walked away. I sighed and locked my door. I went back to my desk and looked at my phone. I had about 50 messages from kiri and 37 missed calls from him. I sighed and texted him back, which was kind of a mistake cause he phoned my. I sighed and paused my music as I didn't want him to know what I listened too. I picked it up and answered. I was still working while we spoke.

"hey kiri, whats up?" I heard him sigh happily. it made me smile a little. I heard him move slightly to get comfy.

"you weren't answering my texts so I started to get worried. whats up? have you eaten yet, pebble?" I smiled softly, he cares about me to much, I sighed a little and said yes. a lie and I think he knew that I wasn't telling the truth. he sighed, and my heart started to break in 2. all this pain is because of me. he asked if I had done the homework and I said yeah, along with 3 months of work. he sounded astonished, and amazed that I had done all of that work. I smiled softly and asked if he wanted anything else. he sighed softly, and said I should eat. I sighed and said that im not hungry. I said that I needed to work some more. he sighed and said ok, said he loved me and night. I said it back and hung up. I looked at my arms that were covered in scars from when I was in junior school. I had stopped recently because kiri had asked me, and I was trying my best to not do it.... tonight.... tonight wasn't my night and I reached for the razor in my bottom draw of my desk. I hovered it ove my wrist and started to cry. I moved it down to my forearm and cut.

I hissed in pain as I felt the cold sting of the blade. I sighed and wrapped it in a bandage. I sighed as I didn't sleep that night. I stayed up and looked at my computer. at about 3 am, I heard the front door slam shut. I sighed and turned the monitor off quickly and snuck to my bed so my father wouldn't yell at me again for staying up. I heard him open my door and look in, I heard him grunt angrily and he left. I heard him go into his room and within minutes he was fast asleep. I could hear his snoring, so I snuck to my computer and went on it again. I completed 3 months worth of work and printed it all off.

the sun had started to rise the next day by the time I had finshed printing it all off, so I got in the shower and ready for school. I put the homework in my back pack and headed to school. I said bye to mum and left, about ten minutes after I left home, I was already at the train station. I sat and waited for the train to get to school, while I waited I saw someone with red hair running towards me. I looked up and saw kiri running to me. I took my earphones out and I got up as he got to me and hugged me tightly. I cringed in pain slightly and he backed up. he looked down and said sorry a lot. I smiled a little and kissed his cheek, said it was ok and got on the train with him.

I smiled softly at him as he held me close to him. I didn't move until we were at our stop and even then kiri was latched to me, I didn't mind at all, it was cute. we went to class and got on with work. I waited for everyone to leave until I gave aizawa sensai the homework. he looked at me and smiled softly and gave me a side ways hug, he knew my situation so. i got my back and went to walk out when i looked back at him.

"thank you sensei, you've been the best teacher ever. im glad i was able to meet you as well." he looked at me and nodded saying his thanks. i smiled a little and walked out, i sighed when i saw the lunch hall. i looked down and sighed as i walked away and to the roof of one of the buildings. i sighed as i sat down and looked around. i took my shoes off and took my blazer off as i got my crafting knife out of my bag. i started to cut my arms and cried softly. i was used to the pain, but it never hurt less. i stood up as i heard kiri calling my name, i closed my eyes and started to cry. i heard him stop, so i stood up and climbed over the railings to the edge of the building. i held onto the railings as i said one last thing. i let go of the railings and went to jump forwards, when i felt a hand on my arm. i was just hanging there as i looked up and saw kiri. i saw his face, h.... he was crying. i looked down and started to cry as well.

"let me go kiri. i have to do this. you dont deserve this. you deserve someone who isnt me...."  he pulled me up and hugged me close. i just looked out over his shoulder and held my arms away from his white shirt as they where still bleeding. i started to cry and i buried my face in his neck and cried so much. he rubbed my back gently and moved away softly. he kissed me gently and started to wrap my arms up in some cloth he had. i sniffed and didnt look or talk to him. he had finished and made me look at him.

"hey peddle, w... why w... were you going to d.. do that?" i looked away and sighed softly as he made me look at him.

"i thought it would be best if i wasnt part of this world anymore. i..... i dont do anything good, i just get in the way of everything a..... and i.... i...."  he kissed me and i looked at him. he was holding me gently by the arms as he looked at me.

"pebble, you do more then you think. youve saved me from so much, you saved me from myself, you kept me living. you saved me, now i want to save you my love." i looked at him and started to cry again. i hugged him closely and kept sayin gthat i was so sorry. after that, we went back to class, and everyone ran at me and asked if i was ok. i said i was ok, they hugged me and walked away when sensei came over to me. he scolded me but then he hugged me and told me to talk to him if i ever need to. i smiled and nodded, i was allowed to sit kiri, and we did the work for that day. later, kiri took me home and stayed with me the night much to my fathers disappointment. that night, he made me eat and dragged me to bed as well, and for once i was happy. i cuddled into him softly and smiled happily. going off into dreamland with the person i love, is the best feeling ever, and i wouldnt change it for the world.

there it is. im sorry it was so down, but you had a happy ending in the end. i was gonna do the sad route but i couldnt bring myself to do it plus, a certain someone would have a go at me. so.... but i hope you enjoyed it if you read it. again im so sorry i made it sad. like i said ive been down recently so yeah. anyway thank you for reading and ill see you all in the next chapter.


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