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Waves crashed against the dry wood of the ship. Margaery never had a taste for travel by sea. One her best of days it would take all the energy that she had to compose herself. She had no energy left now to threat over her appearances. Wisps of sweat-drenched hair clung to her forehead as she closed her eyes, flashes of the events that occurred not even a day ago appeared behind her eyelids. 

She had sat there with her father, brother, and High Sparrow for nearly an hour before she had seen the little girl gesturing to her, holding a rose. She excused herself and followed the child down a corridor in the large Pavillion. Guards and fanatics were everywhere, there was no way in or out until the trial was complete, which made Margaery wonder how a small, dirty child had wandered in. Perhaps she was a message from her grandmother or Queen Cersei? Margaery highly doubted that Cersei would send a child to send a message. The Queen Mother had a flair for cruelty and any message she sent would be drenched in blood and tears. 

Her heels clicked the marble floors as she followed the child, who moves as silently as a ghost. They were in the depths of the sept now, where no guards of sunlight would find them. An uneasy feeling grew in Margaery's stomach, perhaps she should go back and return with Loras? When she had tried to turn around the girl had scurried over to her, finally making a sound. "No. your Grace. You must follow me." She whispered in a hoarse voice. Fear filled the girl's round brown eyes. She had long brown hair that was unkempt and her face was smeared in ash or mud. She could not have been older than seven or eight. 'What would make such a young girl so scared?' Margaery wondered as they pressed on. 

They reached the crypt where the Targaryen kings of old had been buried. She had been there many times, often with Tommen and once with Joffery. The two were completely alone together. "Why are we here?" Margaery asked softly. 

The girl took her hand and led her to a dark corner where an ancient Targaryen was buried, with a statue of a dragon guarding his corpse. They ducked under the outstretched wings and found a ladder leading to the surface. Margaery halted. "I should fetch Loras..." She whispers. Something was wrong.

The girl frantically shook her head. "We must go up. Lady Olenna is waiting and she told me to not delay. We must hurry. Please." the girl pleaded.

Margaery looked over her shoulder one last time. 'If grandmother has summoned me then it must be for good reason. Loras and Father will be here when I return' She thought as she grabbed the first rung of the ladder.

As she climbed, her hands were stained by the rust, her dress ripped as she accidentally stepped on it. Her arms ached as darkness engulfed the pair, the girl climbing directly behind her. There were no torches, just the sound of flesh-grabbing metal and shoes kicking iron. It must have taken at least ten minutes before they reached the end of the ladder. It deposited the two of them in a small room, looking to be a merchant's stock room. The girl pressed on and opened the door. 

Margaery's eyes burned as the bright sun hit them and she was temporarily blinded. She felt hands grab her and as she opened her mouth to scream, one clapped against her mouth. "Shh... your Grace." the familiar voice of her grandmother's guard said. She couldn't tell if it was left or right, but even when she could see, she could not tell. Either way, it mattered not.

She was gently lifted into a carriage where she saw her grandmother. Lady Olenna tossed a golden dragon to the girl. "Take us away from the foul place." She commanded the driver. The crack of a whip filled the air and the carriage jolted into motion. The horses galloped forward. Why were they moving with such haste?

"Grandmother..." Margaery began, but the older woman simply raised her hand. 

"Change your clothes and put this over your head she commanded. Margaery looked down at her outstretched hands and noted a plain and simple garment with a cloak that would hide her face. The day was sickenly hot. Why would she need a cloak?

"Where are we going? I need to go back to the trial." She said, her voice almost pleading. Her stomach was twisting with anxiety and fear. 

"Change your clothes and quickly. I will explain everything soon." 

Margaery opened her mouth but the look in her grandmother's eyes prevented the words from spilling out. The old eyes were clouded with pain, fear, and grief. She followed her grandmother's commands.

A deafening blast echoes through the city. "Grandmother..." Margaery whispered. She didn't need to look outside of the carriage. She knew what happened. Tears came to her eyes and she covered her mouth to stifle a cry. Loras and Father were in there.

"Margaery, please. I know it is hard, but you must compose yourself for a little longer" Olenna said softly and took her face in her soft hands, wiping her tears away. 

The carriage pressed on and the two sat there in silence. Margaery could barely hold in the tears and pain that filled her. 'Who did this? Why would they do this?' She thought but found that she already knew the answer. 

The horses eased to a half. "We have arrived, my land" Left, or maybe it was Right, said. Olenna took her grandmother's hand one last time and gently squeezed it before stepping out of the carriage. Margaery followed on her heels. The sky was perfectly clear across the vast expanse of the sea, but when she turned, it was pure black with smoke. She couldn't feel herself walking, but Olenna was guiding her to a ship. The Lioness. It almost felt like a cruel jape. The lions had just tried to kill her but now one was her salvation. 

They board the caravel, it softly rocking in the surf. 

"Set sail with haste," Olenna ordered the captain who immediately set to work. 

"Where are we going?" Margaery asks in a hoarse whisper.

"To the only person in all of Westeros who can stand against Cersei. The Dragon Queen." 

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