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This chapter mirrors the show a lot and there are some direct quotes so....

From the moment she touched the sand of Dragonstone, she knew that she was home. She, Daenerys Stormborne, Khalessi of the Dothraki, Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt had found what she was so bitterly unable to find in her years of conquering Essos. She had found something that was truly hers. 

Now she sat on a throne of dragon glass and waited for her future bannermen to flock to her side. The Tyrells, Dornish, and Greyjoys were all set to meet with her within the hour. The Tyrells had been Targaryen loyalists, but now one of them had been a queen. Dany knew that she would have to be wary of their new thirst for power. The Greyjoys had proven their loyalty, but they were still waring amongst themselves, there was no guarantee that Yara would win the fight against her uncle. That left the Dornish, who just wanted the Lannisters heads on a spike. Dany could live with that motivation, though she would prefer if they declared for her out of love. 

That left the King in the North. His letter had agreed to sail down and meet her but made no mention of bending the knee. That was concerning to the queen. The man was Eddard Starks bastard, and the bad blood laid between the Starks and Targaryens. But why would he travel weeks at sea to reject her? Her worries would be confirmed or denied within the week when he arrived. 

Once her newfound allies arrived, they all gathered in the Chamber of the Painted Table. The Greyjoys were the only familiar faces. 

"If you want the Iron Throne. Take it. We have an army, a fleet, and three dragons." Yara Insisted. She definitely fit the description of Ironborn, strong, brave, fierce, but lacking in diplomacy. "We should hit Kingslanding now, hard, with everything we have. The city will fall within a day."

Tyrion shook his head, his eyes glittered as he turned to Yara. "If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms." 

"It's called war," Elia Martell announce. "If you don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding." 

"I know how you wage war. We don't poison little girls. Marcella was innocent" Tyrion snarls. 

"She was a Lannister," Elia hums, with anger in her eyes. "There are no innocent Lannisters."

Dany remembered the history that came between the Martells and Lannisters, specifically that of Elia and Tyrion. She mentally prepared herself to step into this argument between the two. "That is enough!" She commanded and the room fell into a silence. "Lord Tyrion is my hand and she will be treated with the respect that the title has earned him."

Dany shifted to the matter at hand; taking Kingslanding without causing mass genocide. "I am not here to be the queen of the ashes."

The frail old woman, Lady Olenna Tyrell finally spoke up. She had been silent for most of the meeting thus far. She simply sat there and held her granddaughter's hand. "That is very nice to hear, but queen Cersei doesn't care about being the queen of the ashes, so long as nobody is left to stand against her. She murdered my son and grandson. She tried to assassinate my granddaughter, Queen Margaery."

Margaery flinched that that statement. It seems that the wounds from that day were still fresh. 

"She ignored the fact that the nobles and commoners alike loved Margaery. There was no unrest, even though all of Westeros believes that she is dead because they fear Cersei. Commoners and nobles, they're all just children, really. They won't obey you unless they fear you." Olenna continued. 

Margaery's face seemed to pale as her grandmother kept talking.

"I am grateful for your counsel, Lady Olenna. I am grateful to all of you." Dany began, "But you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack Kingslanding. We will not attack Kingslanding."

Elia scoffed. 

"Then how do you mean to take the Iron Throne? By asking nicely?" Olenna questioned. 

Dany glanced down at Tyrion who gave her a supportive nod. That was all the reassurance she needed to reveal her plan. "We will lay siege to the capital by attacking the city on all surrounding sides. Cersei will have the throne, but no supplies for her troops or people."

"But we will not use the Unsullied or Dothraki. Cersei will rally the lords to fight against foreign invaders if we do. Our army shall be Westerosi." Tyrion said, his arms folded behind his back.

"I suppose our armies are the Westerosi." Elia states. 

"You are." Tyrion says and gestures to the vast map, "Lady Greyjoy will escort you to Sunspear and her fleet will ferry the Dornish back up to Kingslanding. The Dornish will lay siege with the Tyrells." 

Olenna's eyes glanced between Elia and the hand. "So, your plan is to use our armies to win the Iron Throne? Forgive me for asking, but why did you bring your own?"

Dany could feel a smile trying to peek out from behind her regal mask as Tyrion explained the plan further. "The Unsullied will have another objective. They will attack Casterly Rock."

Margaery's eyes snapped to attention and the room grew so quiet that the sea could be heard through the thick rock walls of the ancient castle. 

A ghost of a smile crossed Elia's face and Yara's eyes shined. Dany had won all the support she would need. "Do I have your support?" She asks.

"You have mine." Yara declares.

"Dorne is with you, your Grace." Elia agrees.

Olenna nods, with a grim look on her face. Margaery mirrors her grandmother. 

"Thank you all." Dany smiles at her allies. "Lady Margaery and Olenna, may I speak with you two alone?"

As the crowd funnels out of the room, Dany moves closer to the pair and takes a seat across from them. "Lady Margaery, I am greatly sorry for your loss, for both of your losses, but I must ask. Why are you choosing to stand with me? Surely it is for revenge?"

"Yes, your Grace." Margaery croaks. Her voice is sore from a lack of use.

Dany's brow furrows. There is no dancing around her true question. "What do you plan on doing once you get your revenge?" She asks carefully.

Olenna glances at her granddaughter as she carefully articulates her answer. "I have no plans for once Cersei is killed. I will be happy as long as a Lannister never sits on the throne again. My beloved Tommen is dead, and with him, my queenship has died as well. I plan on becoming Lady Tyrell again." Margaery answers.

Dany can feel the tension in her shoulders eases. "Thank you, my lady, for your support. You will have what you desire." She promises. 

Margaery offers her a weak smile. 

"My dear, please give me a moment with the queen." Lady Olenna says and Margaery nods.

"Your Grace." She courtesies and leaves. 

"I must ask a favor of you, my queen." Lady Olenna begins, "When I leave, may my granddaughter remain with you as a lady in waiting? It is for her safety. Nobody knows that she survived, and until the war is done, she will only be safe if Cersei thinks she is dead."

Dany reaches forward and takes Olenna's hands. "I will protect her to the best of my ability. She will remain with me until peace returns to Westeros. "

"Peace? Do you think that is what we had under your father? Or his father, or his?" Olennas eyes seemed to cloud, deep in thought. "Peace never lasts, my dear." 

Olennas eyes snap back to attention. "Will you take a piece of advice from an old woman?"

Dany nods slowly.

"He is a clever man, your hand. I've known and a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. Do you know why? I ignored them. The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. Be a Dragon."

A small smile settles on Danys lips. She would win her throne. With fire and blood. 

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