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Another really episode-heavy chapter. It is also super long. Enjoy

Davos could smell the sea. The salty mist sprayed his face as the men rowed closer to the shore. Davos felt as if he belonged here, Jon did not.

His king looked pale from the voyage and spent the rougher parts with his head over the sides, emptying the contents of his stomach. Davos watched the man that he had followed into battle during the battle of the bastards. He was settling into his new position of the king in the North. Enough so that he looked the part, even though Davos knew that he didn't feel it. 

Davos's eyes return to the rigid castle with its stony shores. His nerves were a bunch. They had been warned that Starks don't fare well down south, especially when the Targaryens were concerned. Davos was no Stark, but Jon was and Davos would jump in front of a Dragons fire for that man. 

Jon's eyes remained fixed on the small party that waited for them at the shore. His eyes were nearly impossible to read. Davos knew that he had reservations about coming to Dragonstone, but he also knew that Jon didn't have a choice. In his mind, this Dragon Queen was their only chance for survival. 

The boat hit the shore with a thud. His king was the first one out and helped the men drag it onto the shore. A small man waited for them, the imp of Casterly Rock. 

"The Bastard of Winterfell," The Imp said, in an almost familiar manner. 

'Do they know each other?' Davos wonders.

"The Dwarf of Casterly Rock" Jon answers, making their friendship clear to Davos. He sees a small smile tug at Jon's lips, something that rarely happens since he departed Castle Black. 

The dwarf grins. "I believe that we last saw each other on top of the wall." 

"You were pissing off the edge if I remember correctly." His king reaches forward and the pair shake hands. The king looks over his old friend, "Picked up some scars along the road."

"It's been a long road, but we are both still here." The Imp's attention turns to Ser Davos. "I am Tyrion Lannister."

"Davos Seaworth." Davos shakes his hand.

"Ah, the Onion Knight. We fought against each other at the Battle of Blackwater Bay."

"Unluckily for me." Davos feels the sting of the reminder that his sons died that day to the wildfire that consumed the bay. 

A young woman stepped forward and introduced herself as Missandei, one of the queen's advisors. "If you wouldn't mind turning over your weapons..." She saws.

Jon's face falls slightly as he glances at Davos. His burnt hand flexes before her pulls Longclaw from the sheath and hands his beloved blade over. Davos follows his king's lead but cannot help feeling uneasy and naked without these defenses.

"Please, this way." Missandei beckons and leads them towards the castle.  

The girl is a curious case to Davos. During his travels, he has seen so many places and heard so many voices, yet he cannot place hers. "Where are you from? I cannot place the accent." He asks.

"I was born on the Island of Naath."

"I've heard that it is beautiful down there." He pulls back and waits for Jon. Memories of his time here with Stannis and Melissandre flicker through his mind. "This place has changed." He whispers to Jon. 

They begin to ascend the massive stone staircase, leading to the gates of Dragonstone.

Jon and Tyrion talk quietly ahead of Davos, discussing the Lady Sansa and their pasts. 

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