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Sorry that this chapter is pretty short.

He had rejected her. Normally, when she slipped into his chamber in the dead of night, she would be welcome with open arms. But that time he simply asked her to leave. She had known for a while now that he was pulling away from her, the distance becoming obvious after Tommen's death when all she craved was his skin against hers, but instead, her bed remained empty. 

When he had flat out rejected her a moon ago, she had finally sent him away. She could still see his golden hair reflecting the sun as he mounted a dappled grey stallion, while Bronn at his side on a blood bay. He never came to her to say goodbye, he just left like she was some common whore. Part of her hoped that he died fighting the Tyrells, the other part hoped that he would come home to her. 

She was now alone, with only Euron Greyjoy to keep her company. She had to admit, he was rather pleasant once he shut his mouth. 

She left her bed and wrapped a robe around her body. Euron shifted in the sheets, before getting up himself. "So, how do I compare? To the fat king." He asked with a smug grin on his face.

Cersei poured herself a glass of wine. He always had to talk, even when a lack of words would have served him better than filling a blissful silence with his filthy voice. 

Her lips pursed as she took a drink. "You're insulting my late husband."

"Are you offended?" He leaned closer to her ear. His breath smelled like the wine she was currently drinking. She had to doubt that he had plundered her stores before slipping into her chamber. 

"Robert had a different whore every night, but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body."

"And the kingslayer?" She looked into his blue eye, her green ones boring into him. He was the type of man who thought that he was above propriety. She longed to teach him that he wasn't. Once the war was won, she would be able to. Until then she would indulge him. Yet, this comment about Jaime, she could not leave unnoticed. 

"You enjoy risking your neck, don't you?" 

He smiled, leaning back against the wall. For Ironborn scum, he was a handsome man, dark black hair, eye as blue as the sea. His charms could be seen when he smiled like that, but they could be dulled the moment his temper flared. "Life is boring." 

"You're not boring, I'll give you that."

The smile still danced on his lips as he approached her. "Do I please the queen?" He hummed. 

She could feel a smile tug on her own lips. "You might be the most arrogant man that I have ever known. I like that."

His smile widened, instantly reminding her of whom she was speaking with. She knew what he wanted next, what all men wanted of her. She needed to string him along. Give him enough of a taste to be addicted and come back begging for more. "But now I want to be alone." Her attention turned back to her wine. 

His smile flickered, the blue eye darkening, but he quickly regained his composure. He was not the kind of man who was used to being denied. His parting words left a sick feeling in her stomach. "I am going to put a prince in your belly." He breathed as he left. If that were to happen, she would throw herself down the stairs of the Red Keep. 

As she pondered his words, they began to feed a plan in her mind. She had known that she would have difficulty controlling Euron, perhaps a child was the best way to go about it. She had always known that she would have to protect the line of succession eventually, why not also ensure the support of the Iron Islands? Yet the sick feeling of having an Iron born child left her dizzy, or maybe it was the thought of having a child that wasn't Jaime's. 

She went to take another sip of wine, only to find that her glass was already empty. She poured herself another one. Euron was right, he would put a prince in her belly.

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