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Im really messing with the timeline here but it will make sense

A party waited for him on the shore of Dragonstone. His hands shook. He should have tried to save Yara, instead, he had abandoned her like he did Robb. When they hit the shore, Theon lept out of the boat and helped pull it onto the shore with his men. 

When he turned to greet the queen's men, his heart stopped. He had heard that Jon had become King in the North, but he had never expected to see him again. From the look in Jon's eyes, he had expected the same. Theon didn't know what to expect. He knew that he would deserve whatever Jon had in store for him.

Jon slowly took a few steps forward, as if buying himself some time to figure out his next move. "Jon?" Theon half asked. "I didn't know you were here... Sansa, is she alright?"

Jon finally made his move, grabbing him firmly by the collar. A small cry escaped Theon. 

"What you did for her, is the only reason I'm not killing you." He rasped. Theon was unable to meet his eyes. They were Lord Eddard's eyes and part of Theon feared that he would see the old lords' disappointment in them. Jon released him.

An older man spoke up, "We heard that your uncle attacked your fleet. We thought you were dead." He said, glancing between Theon and Jon. 

"I should be," Theon said softly. He should have died years ago, at Robb's side. 

"Your sister?"

Theon could barely bring himself to say the words. "Euron has her. I came to ask the queen to help me get her back."

Jon's eyes had never left him. "The queen is gone." 

"Where did she go?" Panic rose in Theon. 'What if she never comes back? What if I never get Yara back?" He thought. 

"She will be back," The queen's translator, Missandei, chimed in, easing Theon's panic. "Perhaps we should get you something to eat and settle you in before she returns." Theon nods and steps around Jon to follow Missandei up to the castle. 

The great hall was empty, which Theon found comfort in as he forced the food down his throat. He had no appetite. He knew that he needed to speak with Jon. Jon would never forgive him. Theon had been cruel to him as a child and then tore his family apart. Yet, Theon knew that Jon would at least hear him out because, even as a child, Jon held his honor above all else. 

Theon stood and began to wander through the castle in search of him. The fortress was smaller than Winterfell, but it was still a maze of unknown halls to Theon. With every turn, Theon's stress levels lept as if he would stumble head-on into Ghost, ready to rip out his throat. Theon could remember how large Greywind was when he had last seen Robb and even then, the dire wolf was still growing. 

Then he heard voices in the throne room. He could see Jon through the door, sitting on the steps, talking to a girl with brown hair that he recognized to be Margaery Tyrell. Jon's eyes were fixed on the floor and Lady Tyrell's looked at him with concern all over her face. A low growl echoed through the room and Jon's eyes shot up to meet Theon's gaze. A beast the size of a horse emerged from a corner, teeth bared. Ghost had definitely grown to be bigger than Greywind. 

"Ghost, to me!" Jon called as the beast retreated to his master. Ghost remained in a defensive pose as Lady Margaery stood, unsure whether she should stay or leave. 

"Jon, may I speak with you?" Theon asks.

Jon nodded stiffly and glanced at the Lady in an almost reassuring way. She seemed to understand as she gave them both a courtesy before leaving, not even looking at Theon. Ghost had grown as quiet as his namesake.

"You've always seemed to know what was right, even when we were all young and stupid." Theon began, his voice cracking. "You always knew. Every step you take, it's always the right step. I never seemed to have that talent. I always fucked up somehow."

"That's not true. I have done plenty that I regret." 

"Not compared to me you haven't."

"No. Not compared to you." It was a low blow, but Theon knew that it came from a place of pain for him. 

He moved closer to the man who was once his brother, despite the wolf standing by his side. He takes a moment to organize his apologies in his mind before speaking. "I always wanted to do the right thing. Be the right kind of person. I just never knew what that meant. It always felt like there was an impossible choice that I had to make. Stark or Greyjoy." 

Jon's face softened slightly. He knew that Jon could understand that, even if he despised Theon for the way he had handled his feelings. Theon himself hated himself for the way he had handled his choice. "Our father was more of a father to you than Balon Greyjoy ever was."

"He was."

"And you betrayed him. Betrayed his memory."

Theon wouldn't deny it. "I did," He whispered

Jon's eyes shifted from rage to something closer to sympathy or pity. "But you never lost him. He is a part of you." Theon could barely hear Jon say the final part, "Just like he is a part of me."

"All of the things that I have done..."

"It's not my place to forgive you for all of it, but I can try to forgive you for what I can. You don't need to choose, you're a Greyjoy and a Stark." 

A weight had been lifted from Theon's chest. Jon had always been careful when making promises, making sure that he could keep them. Jon hadn't promised forgiveness but promised to try which was better than Theon could have ever hoped for.

"Thank you." He rasped. He had gotten his brother back. 

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