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Little side note: in the books, Euron was often referred to as 'Crows Eye'. Not sure if it happened in the show so I figured that I would include this note. 

She watched from the Red Keep as Greyjoy rode to the castle on a black stallion. His niece was tethered to the saddled and followed, her eyes fixed the course's tail. The chants of the peasants filled the city, reminding her of their cries during her walk of atonement. 

Her green eyes shimmered as she took comfort in knowing that the Greyjoy bitch was probably feeling the hopelessness and shame that she had felt during her walk through the city. This would be the beginning of her punishment for siding with the wretched dragon queen. Perhaps she would allow Qyburn to...experiment on her. Following Yara, came Elia Martell and her daughter. Qyburn would not have these two. Their deaths belonged to Cersei. 

As he drew closer, she retired to the throne room to wait for him. The cold points of the Iron Throne left a dull ache in her back. She didn't mind the pain, it was a pain that she had craved since she had first laid eyes on it. Back in the days when she was still a maid, dreaming of a marriage to a dragon prince. Instead, she had been wed to a stag and she was forced to endure years of his pronged antlers burying themselves in her flesh before her patience was awarded and she claimed her prize. 

Euron rode into the hall, the crowd of nobles cheering for him. She had no doubt that Greyjoy was relishing the moment. Her eyes fell on Elia. Her face was contorted with rage, eyes fixed on Ser Gregor Clegane, who stood on Cersei's left.

'You foolish bitch. You should be looking at me. I hold your fate, not Clegane.' Cersei thought, barely noticing Euron dismounting his steed. He grabbed Elia and pulled her in front of the queen. Elia finally laid eyes on her. Cersei could barely contain her smile. 

"My queen, please accept this gift on behalf of your loyal subjects in the Iron Islands." The Crow's Eye began, depositing Elia on the steps leading to the throne. "I give you what no other man could, justice. Justice for your murdered daughter." His eyes seemed to linger on Jaime.

Elia spat at his feel, urging a choked laugh out of Cersei. She would enjoy tearing this woman apart. "You have proven yourself to be the greatest captain on the fourteen seas and a true friend to the crown."

"You deserve more than a true friend," Euron whispered, reminding Cersei of his true intentions.

"And you deserve a proper reward for your heroism."

"There is only one reward that I want."

She found herself in want of a broad sword so that she would be able to cut the smug smirk off of his lips. "You shall have want you desire when the war is won."

In truth, Euron was not her worst suiter. He radiated charm and power, but she knew that he would never love her like Jaime. But, Jaime had stopped loving her. She had realized that some time ago. Perhaps, it was a good thing that he would not love her like Jaime, Euron's appeal as a husband would not lay with affection, but with his ambition and skill as a commander. 

She stood to address the court. "With Euron Greyjoy commanding our navy and Jaime Lannister leading our armies, the sons and daughters of Westeros shall defend our country."

The crowd- no, they were not a crowd. The mob chanted and cheered for their queen, as she returned to her seat. 

"There is nothing quite like it, is there?" Euron's voice filled the chamber, "The love of the people." His voice dropped as he whispered something that she could not decipher to Jaime, who grimaced in response. As Euron walked away, laughing at a joke that only he seemed to know, she felt Jaime's eyes pierce her. 

Euron vaulted onto his stallion and led his niece out of the chamber, the mob following him. 

Cersei's eyes returned to Elia and her daughter, a smile returning to her face. "Ser Gregor, please escort the Dornish bitch and her spawn to the dungeons." She watched as the giant led the two women to what would become their final resting place. Justice would be served. 

Jaime was the only one who remained. He couldn't even meet her gaze. She would not let him turn her mood sour, not when she was so close to avenging her precious Marcella. She scoffed at him and trailed after Ser Clegane. When she finally reached the dungeons, the Martells were situated in their quarters. 

"I want you to understand, even though we are enemies, you and I, I understand the fury that drives you. I was there, that day when Ser Gregor crushed your lover's head. If I close my eyes, I can hear the sound of Oberyn's skull being crushed." Cersei said. 

Elia serged against her restraints, biting into the gag placed between her teeth. Cersei took this as an invitation to continue with her torment. "The sound of your scream. I never heard a sound like that. I thought, 'that is true love'. Oberyn looked beautiful that day, he really did. No one moved like him. No one had such skill with a spear. Even Ser Gregor couldn't stop him. If only he hadn't taunted him. He could have walked away and left Ser Gregor to die. But that wasn't your lover's way, was it? Now, he is buried somewhere, and here is Ser Gregor, stronger than ever. That must be difficult for you." Her voice almost sounded as if she were recalling a childhood memory of joy and happiness. 

Her voice shifted, poison lacing every word. "When my daughter was taken from me, my only daughter. Well, you can't imagine how that feels until you have lost a child. I fed her at my own breast even though they told me to give her to the wet nurse. I couldn't bear to see her in another's arms. I never got to have a mother, but Marcella did. She was mine and you took her from me. Why did you do that?"

"It doesn't matter now." Cersei's attention turned to the sand snake, Elia's daughter. "Your daughter is a beauty, too. Those brown eyes, those lips. Perfect Dornish beauty. I imagine she is your favorite. I know, I know, we aren't supposed to have favorites, but still, we're only human. We love whom we love."

Elia started to plea through the gag. Her words were lost in the fabric and only indeterminable words came out. "I'm sorry, it is impossible to understand you with the gag. I must be frustrating. We all make our choices. You chose to murder my daughter, so I choose to do the same to yours." She leaned forward and pressed her lips to the young Dornish women's, mimicking the manner that Elia had done to Marcella. 

A muffled cry escaped Elia's lips, making Cersei smirk. "The Long Farewell." She whispered as she downed the antidote. It was sour, like milk that was left out in the sun for far too long.

Cersei crouched down to meet Elia's gaze. "Your daughter will die in this cell and you will be watching as she does. You will be here for the rest of your days. You will stay alive until a permit you to die, watching as your daughter's pretty face disintegrates into nothing. You will smell her flesh rot off of her bone. You will watch the rats consume her corpse and burrow in her empty rags when the flesh is gone."

Cersei rose and left the woman with her dying child. 

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