Chapter 15: Jason's Grave

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 15 of this story and I decided to make a change that involves the title and the cover of this book, the title of the book had to be changed since I don't want it confused with other books that have this title. And for the cover, it's used in other books so I did a new cover since I seen it used in other stories. That's the update I wanted to address for this book,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After what happened with Team RWBY with the aphrodisiac they are now in class with (Y/N) sitting between Weiss and Blake, he's been closer to them which actually made his depression less worse for him as he is happy to be with them. Now (Y/N) is in the dorm looking down thinking about something that's been on his mind all day....................
Ruby: " (Y/N), what's wrong?"
(Y/N): "Its just something about tomorrow."
Weiss: "What is it?"
(Y/N): "Tomorrow is the day my brother died and when I was adopted, I always go to his grave tomorrow cause I miss him so much."
Blake: "It's okay (Y/N), we'll go with you tomorrow so you won't be alone."
Weiss: "Yeah."
(Y/N): *smiles* "Thank you girls."

Timeskip-Next Day's now the next at day with (Y/N) and his girlfriends are headed to his home, they arrived with them going to Jason's grave. The walked through the forest until they arrive at a gravestone with Jason's name on it, (Y/N) kneels down in front of it placing his hand on the dirt.....................
(Y/N): "Hey Jason, I'm here again wanting to see you. I am doing well now and I have four girls with me that I love. I know you would be really proud of me for what I'm doing and I- *starts to cry* I miss you so much."
.....................he felt two of the girls hug hum as he cried, he sees it's Ruby and Weiss hugging him making him smile. Blake kneels next to Ruby with a smile on her face, but the moment she looked at the grave she picked up the dirt to look at it and let it fall back on the ground....................
(Y/N): "Blake, what's wrong?"
Blake: "The dirt feels dead, there's no grass growing either."
(Y/N): "What do you mean?"
...................he looks at the dirt until his eyes widen, he walked back home to grab a shovel and started digging in the grave. He kept digging until he came across a white sheet that Jason is wrapped in.....................
Alexander: "(Y/N), what are you doing?! Why did you dig up Jason's grave?"
....................(Y/N) picks up the cloth to see it ripped, his eyes widen in shock. He felt someone land next to him in the grave, he sees it's his father looking at the blanket and his eyes widen....................
(Y/N): "Dad?"
Alexander: "This is not possible, there's no way there would be bones and there's nothing."
Blake: "Someone dug up Jason's body!"
Weiss: "That's terrible! Who would do such a thing?"
Alexander: "The blanket shows signs of tear, not even untied as well."
Yang: "Who could do this?"
(Y/N): *eyes widen, growls in anger* "Cardin."

3rd P.O.V

.....................(Y/N) locates Cardin as he slammed him into the wall and picked him up by his shirt with his weapon in his hand pointing it at his head......................
(Y/N): "Alright Cardin, yoh better talk now! Where's my brother's body?"
Cardin: "What the yell are you talking about?!"
(Y/N): "My brother's body! I went to his grave and found out it was dug up, and for someone who was expelled from Beacon who has a fucked up mind you obviously did it for payback. Now where. Is. Jason's. Body?!"
Cardin: "I don't know! I don't even know where you live, I wouldn't even go too far to do that!"
(Y/N): "So, you planned on raping my girlfriends and that's not going too far? You got expelled because of your bullying and that fucked up plan you all g with those three assholes that was apart of it! *hears his scroll ring, answers it* Anything Ruby?"
Ruby 'on scroll': "We interrogated the other three, but they told us they didn't do that. We also checked everywhere in the hotel, there's nothing here."
(Y/N): "Hotel?"
Cardin: "Yeah, surprised? Ever since I got expelled my family disowned me for me bullying and that plan. They kicked me out and told me not to come back to the house ever, so I'm living my life now and I fucked up. I never went to your brother's grave and I don't have his body!"
(Y/N): *breathes hard in anger* "If you're lying to me I will break every bone in your body."
....................he throws him on the ground and walks off back to Beacon in anger and determined to find out who dug up his brother's body....................

Ozpin P.O.V

Ozpin: "Alexander calm down, tell me again."
Alexander 'on scroll': "Someone dug up Jason's body Ozpin and left the sheet I wrapped him in, someone has now screwed up and messed with (Y/N)'s emotions now. Whoever it is, you better find out!"
Ozpin: "Okay Alexander, I will. *hangs up, places his hand on his chin thinking* Who would dig up a young boy's body and for what purpose?"

(Y/N) P.O.V

.....................(Y/N) returned to Beacon with what happened at the grave on his mind, his brother's body is gone with no sign of any tracks either. He looks at his necklace in his hand, he grips it in his hand."
(Y/N): (I will find out who took Jason's body and the will suffer!)

To be continued...................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

No More Pain, Need to be Strong: RWBY Harem x Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now