Chapter 3: Finding a Little Bit of the Truth

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 3 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Weiss P.O.V

"Weiss is in her dorm as she sat on her bed thinking about when she saw (Y/N) crying while he was sleeping which makes her realize that Blake was telling the truth about how his tone was when he talked. The reason why she's in the dorm as the door is heard opening as she saw Blake walking in as she saw her.....................
Blake: "Oh Weiss, what're you doing here? I thought you would be studying in the library."
Weiss: "Blake, we need to talk. It's about (Y/N)."
Blake: "Why, what's wrong?"
Weiss: "You remember you saying about how the tone of his voice sounded depressed when he talked? *she nods* Well, just last night when I was going to bed after getting a glass of water. I just looked at him sleeping and he was crying."
Blake: *looks at her confused* "Crying?"
Weiss: "Yes, and I realized from what you said and what I saw last night, I think (Y/N) has depression."
Blake: "I-If he does, what is making him sad?"
......................Weiss was thinking about some possibilities as she tapped her head with her finger, until she remembered what Yang told them when she saw him looking at a photograph he quickly hid away when she walked in......................
Weiss: "Yang did see (Y/N) with a photograph in his hand until he put it away trying to act like he wasn't holding anything."
Blake: "The only thing is we need to see that photo, *looks at his bag* and maybe we'll find out."
Weiss: "Ain't it disrespectful to look in another person's bag?"
Blake: "Well, we can't ask him or he'll get angry, maybe upset."
Weiss: "You're right. Just be quick and put it back the way it was so he won't get suspicious."
......................Blake went to his bag and looked in it, Weiss covers her eyes in worry hoping (Y/N) would never find out. But, after a minute Blake stands up holding what was obviously the photograph Yang told them about......................
Blake: "This must be the photo."
Weiss: "What's on it?"
.......................she looked at what was on it was two kids which one was a young kid and the other an infant, she looked close at them with the older one not being (Y/N), but the youngest one being him with the (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes.....................
Weiss: "That's (Y/N) when he was a baby, he's so cute thought."
Blake: "But, who's this?"
Weiss: "It must be his big brother."
Blake: *turns the photo over to see words written on it* "Jason?"
Weiss: "His brother's named Jason, but why would he keep a photo of his brother at a young age?"
Blake: "I'm not sure."
.......................the door is heard to be open as Blake puts the photo back how it was as they both sat in their beds acting normal and their worried went down as Yang was the one who's walking in and they sigh......................
Yang: "Oh hey, I guess you two are here. What's going on?"
Weiss: "Yang, have you noticed anything about (Y/N) when he showed up here? Has he ever looked sad?"
Yang: "Well, I'm not sure. Why is are you asking?"

(Y/N) P.O.V

......................(Y/N) is in Vale as he walks in the streets heading somewhere which people walk past him, as he goes past an alleyway he hears a struggle as he looks to see two guys as one is older and the other younger as the big one laughs bothering the youngest kid......................
Young Bother: "Stop! I can't do anything with you!"
Big Brother: "Aw, is the little baby going to cry? Well sorry little shit, you can't do anything else!"
Young Brother: "I hate you! I can't have anything cause of you, you ruin my life."
Big Brother: "I'm the only family you fucking got, you understand me?"
......................he pushes his little brother on the ground and (Y/N) snaps as he walked up to them, the big brother goes to slap him when (Y/N) stops him which he looks at him......................
Big Brother: "Who the hell are you?"
......................(Y/N) punches him in the face as he held his mouth and he picks him up to slam him on the ground with a groan heard. He sits on his stomach to grab him by the shirt as a door opens and closes......................
Mother: "What's going on?"
Father: "What happened here? What are you doing to him?"
Big Brother: "He attacked me!"
(Y/N): "Me attacking you? You should be the one getting blamed for doing that to your little brother! He's your family and you're treating him like what I saw?"
Mother: "Sweetie, is this true?"
(Y/N): "Go on, tell them. Don't be afraid."
......................the little brother looked at his parents as the Big Brother tried struggling out, but the little brother nods which earning eyes widen from the parents......................
Mother: "Are you serious? This is your little brother!"
Big Brother: "They're lying! I promise you they are!"
Father: "I'm not believing your lie anymore, I want you out of our house! Treating your own brother like shit, you're done! Pack your shit!"
......................he gets up walking in the house as (Y/N) dusts himself off, he goes to walk off as he felt someone hug him as he saw the boy he rescued looking up at him with a smile.....................
Little Brother: "Thank you."
.......................he runs back in the house as the door closes, a tear is seen in (Y/N)'s eyes as he wiped it away.....................
(Y/N): (I know you would never do that to me Jason, I know you wouldn't.)
.......................he continued walking to where he was headed and he tried his best not being upset thinking about his brother.....................


.......................(Y/N) is walking back to Beacon as he has what he needed, as he walks in the Academy to his dorm he hears walking as Ozpin is seen walking past him which he looked slightly, but kept walking.......................
Ozpin: "I see you've returned from your mission, I believe it wasn't that hard for you Susan."
.......................he stops walking hearing that name as he slowly turned his head to see a woman as his eyes widen knowing who that woman is as he balls his hand into a fist seeing someone he hates; his sister Susan Santos......................
(Y/N): (N-No! Not her, it can't be! She's a Huntress?!)
Ozpin: "Did you keep everyone safe and took out the Grimm?"
Susan: "Yes, I did. It was difficult, but I did it without any casualties! *looks at (Y/N) which he turns around and walks away* Who's that?"
Ozpin: "That is (Y/N) (L/N), a fifth member of Team RWBY. Look I understand he has the name of one of your missing brothers, but you can't go and assume something!"
Susan: "I know, I just miss them, me and my family really do."
(Y/N): *eyes widen in anger, balls his hand into a fist* (You lying bitch! You and those two monsters are the reason Jason's dead, and it will always be your fault and nothing will change my mind!)
......................he continued walking as he arrives at Team RWBY's dorm, he hears sobbing as he walked in and saw Weiss crying with Yang comforting her as he became concerned......................
(Y/N): "Weiss, what's the matter?"
Yang: "I'm sure she doesn't want to talk about it right now, cause I'm ready to beat someone up."
(Y/N): "Why? Did someone break her heart?"
Ruby: "It was Neptune."
Blake: "He was caught cheating on Weiss with kissing another girl."
(Y/N): *eyes widen in anger* "Where is he?"
Yang: "He's not here, he's somewhere else on a mission. A picture was sent and it was from the bitch that Neptune slept with."
Weiss: *sobs* "I thought he *sobs* loved me."
......................he looked at her with sorrow as he sat next to her and hugged her as he attempted to calm her down, she felt him hug back and he rubbed her head as she slowly stopped crying......................
(Y/N): "It's okay Weiss, there's no need to cry. You have friends who care for you, and we're here."
Weiss: "Th-Thank you (Y/N), thank you." gets night with everyone going to sleep and (Y/N) looking at Weiss as she is sleeping peacefully which he smiles at, but he remembered the name Neptune who is the guy who cheated on Weiss as he vows to make him pay for what he did to Weiss."

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

No More Pain, Need to be Strong: RWBY Harem x Depressed Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang