Final Chapter: Brothers Reunited at Last

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the Final Chapter to this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Jason P.O.V

"Jason is in a dark void floating in water with nothing heard, but the sound of water around him after his body became unresponsive after a battle in Grimm Knight form. His body was burning all over after that and he heard noises at times, but he didn't know what they were considering her couldn't recognize them, he suddenly gets pulled into the water as he hears the voices again...................
????: " He's going into- I don't know how long he-"
???? 2: "We have to do the- it's the- bring him back."
????: "We need mister (L/-"
...................he continues going into the water until he sees a bright light in front of him with a hazy vision, but notices people from the vision being hazy...................
???? 2: "I understand that- but you could save- we need your help."
???? 3: "Okay."
...................something grabs him with the light fading away causing him to reach for it with something appearing next to him...................
Dark Voice: "Well, hello Jason. It's good to see you again, never expected you to be back here early after being a Grimm Knight."
Jason: "Where am I?"
Dark Voice: "You're holding on to a tight thread from death and trying to live, you will be dead again."
???? 3: "Jason? Jason wake- it's me. Please, I don't want to- Come back bro!"
Jason: "Bro? (Y/N)?"
Dark Voice: "No Jason, don't listen. That's not what you think it is."
...................he remembers that moment he first held (Y/N) when he was a baby and the moment he saved him from his family leading to his death. He breaks free going to the light with whatever is grabbing him trying to pull him back, but he keeps going.................
Dark Voice: "No! If you go back you won't have anything else in the world, you'll have nothing! No family, nothing!"
Jason: "You're wrong! I have my little brother, (Y/N) is the only one who cares for me, I did the same and I won't waste this chance! This is my chance to live again and I will not give up, I- I- I AM ALIVE!"
???? 3: "He's awake!"
..................the light gets brighter around him until he feels something soft he's laying on, he hears beeping and something on his arms. He opens his eyes to see his vision blurry, something is seen in front of him as it was baby (Y/N) reaching for him with a smile on his face..................
Jason: "(Y/N)?"
...................his eyes open to see him disappear with a guy in front of him having the same hair and eye color as (Y/N) until he realizes...................
(Y/N): "Jason?"
Jason: "(Y/N)? Is that you?"
(Y/N): *starts to cry as he smiles* "Jason!"
Jason: "It is you, my little bro grown up. Where am I?"
(Y/N): "You're in the hospital, you went into a coma after what happened at the prison. You needed heavy medical attention."
Jason: "How long was I out? And how old are you?"
(Y/N): *looks down* "You've been dead or alive for fifteen years, *his eyes widen* and you've been in the hospital for twelve months."
Jason: "Dead for fifteen years? And in a coma for twelve months?"
(Y/N): "Luckily your organ that ruptured when you died isn't in bad shape, but I always thought of you everyday growing up and I missed you so much. I was always sad, I never forgot you and now you're back."
Jason: "(Y/N), I'm sorry. And you're right I am back, and I'm never going anywhere again!"
....................they did a brotherly hug as (Y/N) sobs into his hospital outfit, Jason also cried knowing he's finally with his little brother again. After that he met the family that took care of him as he thanked them and accepted the adopted name of (L/N), Atlas Scientist kept checking Jason to see if there were any Grimm inside his system, but after tests he doesn't considering him free of the Grimm Knight. Now after a month Jason is out of the hospital walking to Beacon to meet (Y/N) and the team he's on..................
Jason: "So, the team was all girls before you joined?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. All four of them are amazing, they're really fun to hang out with."
Jason: "So, four girls? Must be heaven huh?"
(Y/N): *chuckles* "Just you wait to be surprised."
...................Jason gets confused from what he said, they arrived at the dorm to knock on it. The door opens to see a girl with black hair with red tips and silver eyes peeking her head out causing her to smile..................
???? 4: "(Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Hey Ruby."
Ruby: *looks at him* "This must be Jason, it's nice to meet you. I'm Ruby Rose, your brother is a great boyfriend."
Jason: "So, you are dating one of them."
(Y/N): "Well-"
...................he walks in the dorm to see the other three girls, but he looks to see four babies making Jason shocked. He looked at one baby that looked (Y/N) when he was a baby, but he had blonde hair and liliac eyes, another is a cat Faunus girl with (H/C) and (E/C) eyes, one is another boy with white hair with (E/C) eyes, and the I as baby has the same hair and eye color as Ruby. Jason looks in shock as he looks at (Y/N) while he smiles...................
(Y/N): "You're an uncle Jason."
..................he looks at the babies again with a smile on his face knowing his brother is a father, he walks to them and goes on his knees causing the babies to crawl at him. They giggle as they crawled on him making him smile at his newest family members...................
Jason: "Hey there. Oh my gosh, don't worry you four. Uncle Jason will keep you safe no matter what."

(Y/N) P.O.V

..................he adored them causing them to laugh as he did, (Y/N) smiles as he thinks about how he did the same to him when he was a baby and he knows Jason will be a good uncle just like how he is a good brother to (Y/N) along with the girls he loves. The rest of the girls introduced themselves and Jason thanked them for helping him...................
(Y/N): (It's good to have you back Jason.)

Susan P.O.V
Timeskip-Three Weeks Later

...................Susan is in her jail cell sitting on her bed after what happened months ago with Jason as a Grimm Knight, after what happened she never felt sorry after her father died as she's happy he's dead. Right now lights appear behind her as someone is seen standing there....................
Susan: "What is it?"
????: "I thought they would've let you out after what happened, but I guess the manipulator isn't that much punished huh, sis?"
....................her eyes widen causing her to look to see none other than Jason in an Atlas looking uniform, she stands up shocked to see her own brother alive in front of her....................
Susan: "Jason? But, how? You died and you were that Grimm Knight, but you're back?"
Jason: "(Y/N) saved me, I was in a coma for moths until I woke up three weeks ago from my brother saving me, but I do know what I did to Trevor and he deserved it. But, you and mom still here after what happened I never expected."
Susan: *looks down* "Jason, I'm sorry. I was the reason behind the abuse, I'm sorry for what I did. I regretted it so much that I searched everywhere until I found you and (Y/N) to apologize. I shouldn't have been jealous and I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart."
Jason: "The fact that you were the cause of the abuse I do feel anger still since I never saw (Y/N) grow up, but I was also told what you did when I fought him in Grimm Knight Form. You wanting to sacrifice yourself to save him, that takes guts and enough redemption. You and mom are being released soon after finding out Trevor was the only one doing the abuse on me. *walks to the door, stops* And I forgive you."
...................he walks out as Susan kneels on the ground crying in joy after hearing those words from him, she cries happily knowing she has another chance....................

(Y/N) P.O.V

...................(Y/N) is looking out the window of the dorm after he got done putting his kids to sleep in their cribs, he looks at the picture again of him and Jason as he looks at a new one that was taken before Jason went to Atlas.....................
(Y/N): (I'm glad you're back Jason, and I'm happy my kids will have you in their lives like you did for me when I was a baby. And of course I'll have my beautiful girlfriends.)
....................he smiles knowing his brother is back and he also has his girlfriends and his kids to care for in the world."

The End...................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this story. If you enjoyed this let me know, and with that said. See y'all next time.)

No More Pain, Need to be Strong: RWBY Harem x Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now