District 5 Reaping (12)

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Nevada Vegas's (District 5) P.O.V:

I had a dream last night. The escort chose my name at the Reaping, and then a Peacekeeper ran up saying I was disqualified. They knew about the group of kids I live with, us pickpockets. Then I was pushed to my knees with a bunch of other rebel kids and I woke up right before a Peacekeeper was about to shoot me in the head.

I still sit here, trying to calm myself, rocking back and forth. It was only a dream. It's not really going to happen. Stop. It's just your imagination. None of the others have woken up yet, and the rays of the early sunrise are just beginning to peak over the horizon, from my view through the narrow alley we take shelter in. I'd say it's about five thirty, six in the morning.

I hear a grunt and one of the other kids rolls over in their sleeping bag. I identify the figure as Centorn Abash, probably the most cunning of all us. He sits up and brushes his dark hair out of his face. His eyes lock on me. "Hey."

"Hi," I smile back, but my tone has a bit of sadness in it. "Reaping day."


"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah." Our conversation comes to a pause, but it's not an awkward one.

"Well, I guess we should wake the others, get some breakfast, and then go the Reaping," I say, and Centorn nods in agreement.

After successfully swiping some bread from the bakery, our group of kids- five of us in all- head to the Reaping. I take my place with the other girls, nervously twiddling my thumbs. It was just a dream. You have nothing to be worried about. Stop.

And I don't. Our escort, Hexagon Sixypixy, selects a slip of paper that doesn't have my name on it, and a volunteer runs up. She looks nervous, like she didn't want to volunteer. As she announces her name- Areta Lawimg- she twirls a strand of her red hair anxiously, and her eyes keep flitting to the back of the crowd. Only the keenest people watching her could possibly pick up the small movemnt. It comes with a life of stealing- you have to watch for danger.

But the next thing that happens comes as a surprise, as Hexagon Sixypixy reaps the boy. "Centorn Abash."

He walks up to the escort, his head held high. Centorn isn't scared, or at least he isn't showing it if he is. Our eyes meet as he turns to face the crowd, and I mouth, "good luck."

He's going to need it.

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