District 10 Reaping (12)

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Norepla Cementsfound's (capitol citizen) P.O.V:

Ugh. My best friend, Spelli, insisted on inviting me over to her house to watch the District 10 Reaping. Honestly, I don't care about the underdog districts. They never, ever, ever win the Hunger Games. My favorite is District 2, because they're Careers, and Careers actually have a chance at winning.

I knock on the hot pink door quietly. Spelli opens it almost immediately, greeting me with a wide grin. "Norepla!" She squeals excitedly, embracing me in a hug. "Come in, come in! You're late!"

I step into Spelli's apartment with a smile- her cheery attitude always rubs off on me. The room is nicely decorated- bright purple walls with calm blue carpet and neon green furniture- of course, it's all from CappFurnTrendi. Spelli always keeps up with the latest fashions. Not only for furniture. As I glance back at her, my best friend's outfit is totally in. I glance down at my own attire self-consciously- practically rags by Spelli's standards- and decide I need to spend more time with her.

We both take a seat in front of her huge screen, and Spelli voice-activates it to turn on and broadcast the right show- a newer addition that only comes with top-quality screens. For a moment I feel slightly jealous Spelli is so rich. "Screen on. District 10 Reaping please!" She squeals.

The screen flickers to life, showing an image of the District 10 escort's hand in one of the Reaping balls. I must have been quite late if we missed the whole speech escorts usually say. Oh well.

I lean in towards my best friend and whisper to her. "What's the escort's name again?" I don't pay attention to anything related to underdog Districts, but I know she does for some unexplainable reason.

Spelli doesn't respond; her eyes are glued to the screen. A girl has just volunteered. This finally got interesting. The girl is pretty tall but rather scrawny, with dirty blond hair, and she seems to be muttering to herself, although I can't hear what she's saying. The escort asks the girl what her name is, and she replies, "Clavia Turnbolt."

Spelli giggles. "She has a nice name!"

Next the escort- wearing a very fashionable outfit, by the way, which doesn't surprise me, they're probably looking for a promotion from this awful District- reaps a boy. "Fletcher Willis!"

A boy slowly shuffles forward. I glance at Spelli to see her reaction. Her face is scrunched up in disgust. I ask her what it is, and she says, "his hair is too brown" and I laugh.

"Seriously!" Spelli insists. "He should get it dyed blue!" Blue is all the rage these days.

"You should tell him, Spelli!" I encourage her, giggling. "Get some front row seats at the Opening Ceremony!"

With that, the Reaping draws to a close, and the screen automatically clicks off.

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