The Remake Center

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Jillie Hepenes's (District 3) P.O.V:

"Beauty requires pain." It's what Jingle, who is part of my prep team, has been repeating over and over as he completely changes the way I look. And hurting me quite a bit in the process.

By rights, I shouldn't even be here. I really shouldn't be being remade in the Capitol in preparation for the Opening Ceremony. I shouldn't be about to go into the Hunger Games. Apparently life isn't fair. I wish it was.

"All done!" Jingle says in his jingly voice that he mush have altered somehow to sound like bells. I wouldn't be surprised if he altered it. It's a very Capitol thing to do.

Jingle hands me a robe to wear, and I walk into a different room to get acquainted with my stylist.

A truly Capitol man is waiting there for me. His neon green hair poofs out from his head in an afro. He wears puffy, rainbow-colored Capitol pants and a matching shirt along with matching socks. "My name is Hammock," he says, clumsily bowing to me. He looks absolutely ridiculous. "And you are?" He asks.

"Jillie," I reply.

"Jillie," Hammock repeats. He says it like I'm a piece of candy he's craving. I don't like to be associated with candy. I'm not very sweet.

I glare at Hammock. I don't like him. At all. He sees me glaring, and probably realizes I'm more of a tart. "Robe. Off. I need to look at your body," he says crisply.

Take my robe off? In front of a man who I have known for two minutes and already dislike? Yeah, no. That's not going to happen. "I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable doing that," I say, just as crisply as he did.

This time it's Hammock's turn to glare. "Yes, you will," he says. "Now."

"No." I refuse to take off my robe.

"Yes, you WILL!" Hammock lunges at me. I easily sidestep him. "SECURITY!" He shouts. Peacekeepers barge through the door. "GET THIS GIRL TO TAKE OFF HER ROBE!" Hammock directs.

They follow his order. I kick and scream as two Peacekeepers lift me off my feet. This is just like at the Reaping. Why do I do everything wrong?

The two Peacekeepers pin me against a wall. A third one cocks his gun at me. "Take it off," he says calmly. As if he has no problem threatening to kill a seventeen-year-old girl. Although I suppose he most likely doesn't. He probably doesn't have a problem killing anyone.

It's probably a bad mistake, but I decide to push it. "You wouldn't shoot me," I hiss at him. A moment later, a loud crack goes off, and the bullet nicks my ear. Oh my god. That guy has got some serious aim.

"Okay," I whimper. Maybe the 'I'm an innocent seventeen-year-old girl' approach will get them to leave. "But only if you and your peacekeeping friends leave."

The Peacekeeper- he's got to be the leader of the group- puts his gun away. He motions for the other Peacekeepers to follow him, and they let me go reluctantly. Once I am sure they have left, I slip the robe off. Hammock surveys my body. I hate him. I hate this. I hate it all.

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