Chapter 1

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" Vanessa get up!" my mom yelled. " Why it's 6:00 in the morning and it's a saturday" I moaned. " Oh yeah, i forgot to tell you we are moving to Utah." I quickley got up and went into her room. " We are what?!" I said shocked. " M-o-v-i-n-g" she said. " But I don't want to move, all of my friends are here, wait why are we even moving in the first place?" i said. " I found a job over in Utah and plus we need a smaller house since your dad left. Now start packing we are leaving today". " Ughh fine." I groaned. I thought to myself that's why stuff around the house have been missing. She could of told me earlier i didnt even get to say bye to my friends. Anyways my name is Vanessa Lopez. I love to sing and mess around and my favorite color is red. After my dad left my mom it has just been me and my mom. I packed up the very last couple things in my room and I looked around in my empty room. I started to think about all the memories that has happened in my house throughout the past 11 years. I finally leave my room and go downstairs and out the door. " Get into the car Vanessa" my mom said. I go into the car and the we leave.

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