Chapter 2

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We headed to the airport and me and my mom bought our tickets. We waited for 2 hours. I was kind of scared to go on a plane cause I never actually never been on one. Then the plane finally arrived. I took my seat and put headphones on and listened to One Direction. One Direction is like my life. *skips airplane ride* We finally got off the plane and it felt good to be on the ground again. My mom and I got onto a bus and since we were only a block away we walked to our house. " Umm mom what about all of our things." i said. " Dont worry our house is ready and your room is set up." "How?" i said. " I hired special people do it" she said. " Oh okay" i said relieved. When we arrived to the house. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so gorgeous. I ran up to my room and it was just the best. " This is the perfect house mom!" i yelled. " Right" she said. "But you have school on Monday and we are going shopping tommorow."My smile faded. Ew school is gross. But at least i'm going shopping.

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