Chapter 8

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*Vanessa's P.o.v*
   So me and justice got our lemonades and got back to the car. Tbh im not looking forward to school. Making new friends which im not good at. I snapped out of my thought at could feel justice staring at me. I giggled.  "Why are looking at me? " Cause" He smirked at me. " Your so weird". We then arrived at the mall. " Justice and you can go shop together just meet me by the food court by 5. We both nodded and left.
*Justice's P.O.V*
" Lets go get some in & out its just across the street" She raised up her hands. She ordered a mikshake and i just ordered a burger with fries." why didnt you order food?" " Im not that hungry." I just gave her a serious face and she smiled and covered her face. Her smile makes me get chills. So by then we decided to go to forever 21 for her and she chose crop tops and shorts. " Ugh i love these shoes but i dont have enough money" " I'll buy them for you" " Justice no" I grabbed all of her clothes and shoes and ran to the checkout stand. I gave the cashier the money. " Justice you didnt have to do that" " I know i didnt have to i wanted to". She smiled, " thank you". We then went to other stores and bought clothes for each other. " It's 4:45, we should go meet up with my mom. " she nodded.
*Vanessa's P.o.v*
" Hi gane" "Yoo ma"
" Did you guys get clothes and everthing?" We both nodded. We then left and went home. *skips car ride*. Gane left to her room so she can take a nap and Princeton went to the park with Mario. So it was just me and Justice. My mom was calling me. " Excuse me". I walked outside and talked to my mom. " Hello" " Vanessa you need to come home now and your grounded for 2 weeks". " for what mom?!". She hung up. I walked back inside. " Im sorry Justice i have to go i just got grounded for 2 weeks yayy" *note the sacrasm* " I will text you okay?" " Its okay". He hugged me tight and we were just staring into each others eyes. He started to lean in and i didnt know what to do. I barely just met him but i have alot of feelings for him. So i let go and left.

Hii! Oml i havent wrote in the longg. I know this chapter sucks but this is my first time writing stories like these. But next chapter will be better :)

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