Chapter 3

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* In the morning *

I wake up and go onto on my phone and look onto all my social media. "Vanessa! Are you up?" my mom yelled. " Yess!" i yell back. " Hurry up and get ready we are going to the mall." she said. I got up and got changed into a Los Angeles crop top with a high waisted dark and light shorts with a blue colored shoes and my leather bag and I put my hair into a bun. I go downstairs and grab a banana and eat it quickly then brush my teeth and leave the house. While my mom was driving I saw a part of Utah and I must say it's pretty nice place. We got to the mall. YASSS! My mom and I go to our own places because she says I'm "picky". So before I even start walking around I need some starbucks. I head to Starbucks and order a chocolate chip mocha. As i was leaving I went on my phone and I bumped into someone and made them drop their shopping bags. "Omg, i'm so sorry let me get that for you." I said. " Haha, you don't need to aplogize gorgeous." he said in a flirty way. I look up and see a cute guy. " Awe thank you" I said. Ugh why must I make myself look stupid in front of cute guys. He picks up the bags. " I'm so sorry again I'm really clumsy." I said blushing. "Haha it's fine.I didn't catch your name" he said. " I''m Vanessa Lopez what about you." i said."I'm Justice Carradine." He said. " Well nice to meet you Mr.Carradine." he said.  "You too Mrs.Lopez, i was wondering if I can get your number.?" He asked. "Sure" i said. We switched numbers. " Thanks! I'll text you later bye beautiful." he said.

"okay bye cutie" i said back. Wow I think my heart meltled. I guess moving wasn't such a bad choice after all. I went to hot topic, holister, aeropostale. Then I went to go find my mom and we went home. I changed into some sweats and layed on my bed and I got a text from Justice.

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