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I was laying down on the freshly fallen snow in the woods, trying to take a nap, when a boy's voice rang through my head.

"Sarah! Hey, Sarah I know you're awake!" Just ignore him Sarah and maybe he'll go away I told myself many times. I heard him get frustrated and walk away. Finally, alone at last maybe now I can go to sleep. The next thing I knew I felt something cold land on my face. I opened my eyes and wiped the snow off my face.

"Alright, who threw that at me?" I asked looking around for the culprit as I started to stand up. Then, I heard some laughter coming from behind some trees. I saw some brown hair sticking out from behind one of them, I knew who it exactly was.

"Jack Overland Frost you jerk! You ruined my nap, now come out for your punishment!" I yelled at him with my hands on my hips. He chuckled a little and then he came out from behind the tree.

"Hey, Sarah aren't you looking lively today." he said with a smile.

"Stop trying to change the subject, Jack! You ruined my nap on purpose just so you could bother me!" I scolded him while getting a snowball ready behind my back. He looked around trying to find someone else then pointed at himself.

"Who me?" he asked with an innocent look on his face.

"Yes you and don't try to play a trick cause you're the only one out here right now." I said getting ready to throw the snowball.

"I couldn't let you sleep on a beautiful day like this! Especially since you're such a pretty girl!" he smirked and turned around and I knew I would have my chance for revenge.

"Oh cut with the flirting I know you only do it to annoy me." I raised the snowball getting ready to throw it.

Jack turned around, "You sure I only do it to anno-" but he never finished because I threw the snowball right at his face. I laughed until I was on the ground and when I stopped my laughing I looked up and saw that Jack had wiped the snow from his face. He had a mischievous look in his eye and he grabbed some snow from the ground.

"Wait Jack if you spare my life in any way, you won't throw that snowball at me." I began to back up slowly until I hit a snow pile and fell on my butt.

"You're going to get it Sarah!" he lifted the snowball then threw it at me. I screamed but rolled over on the ground so it didn't hit me.

"Nice shot, you missed badly!" I teased him. He started getting another snowball ready but I already started running.

"Sarah, get back here and take the snowball like a man!" he yelled at me while I was running.

"Problem is Jack," I stopped and looked back at his amber eyes, "I'm not a boy I hope you realized that by now."

"Really?" he said while throwing a snowball in the air and catching it, "I couldn't tell cause you always like to do all the stuff that boys do instead of talking about the stuff that girls talk about." he chuckled a little. Jack knew he crossed the line when he saw me glaring at him. "Aw come on Sarah we've been friends since we were seven," he started backing away slowly towards the village," you're not going to turn on me now are you?"

I grabbed some snow off the ground and formed it into a snowball and threw it in the air and caught it.

"Oh I don't know maybe considering you said that I wasn't a girl." walking towards him.

"Aw you know I didn't mean it!," he looked at me with sympathetic eyes, "I'd never say that about you Sarah." he said while taking a step forward hoping I would bump into him. We kept walking towards each other until we were just a few feet from one another.

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