Chapter Three

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Sarah's P.O.V

Jack and I just started our race and I was already ahead of him.

"Come on Jack you gotta run faster than that!" I yelled back at him. I turned my head a little to not see him behind me. I looked around the workshop looking for the annoying boy. Alright where'd you go?

"Looking for me?" I heard a boy's voice say. I looked up to see Jack ahead of me and flying.

"Hey that's cheating, Jack!"

"No I'm not flying." he said with a smirk.

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm floating!" I put a "are you serious" look on my face which made him laugh a little.

"Well since you're floating," I flew up next to him, "I'll just float to." I put on a smirk and started to fly. I  froze him to the ground when he wasn't looking.

"Hey! That's cheating, Sarah!" I started laughing as he tried to free himself. Since I was far ahead from him I decided to just walk. I didn't even notice the white-haired boy that was behind me that had a smirk on his face.

Jack's P.O.V

This was great Sarah didn't even notice I caught up with her. Since she cheated I had to find a way for revenge. I could see that we were almost to the globe room and I couldn't let her win. I thought for a couple of seconds then came up with a great idea.

"Looks like I'm going to win Jack!" Sarah yelled behind us still thinking I was way behind her. I used my staff and put a patch of ice a couple of feet in front of her.

"Yes I-" she never finished because she slipped on my trap. I laughed and stood in front of the globe and landed on the floor. The rest of the Guardians finally noticed we came back and looked at us.

"Looks like I won the race!" I started laughing. Then I looked down and noticed that Sarah didn't get up or even laugh. She looked like she was crying. I offered my hand to her.

"Hey, no hard feelings right?" I gave her a smile and she looked up a little bit. Then she grabbed my hand but I wasn't expecting what came next.

Sarah's P.O.V

Yes he was taking my "helpless little girl act" now it was time for my revenge. I grabbed Jack's hand but instead of him helping me up I pulled him down on the ground with me. I didn't plan on where Jack was going to land but just my luck he landed on top of me. Both of us blushed a little seeing how close our faces were to each other. After a couple of seconds he finally got off of me and helped me up.

"What was that for?"

"For making me slip and fall. Also for cheating in our race." he started smiling and I gave him a confused look.

"What are you smiling about?" I crossed my arms.

"I won the race." he smiled leaning on his staff.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"If you two Frosties are done arguing we have some more important things to talk about." we both turned to see Bunny and he had an annoyed look on his face. We gave up our little argument and started to pay attention to the little meeting the Guardians were having. "Looks like I won that argument." Jack whispered to me. I just rolled my eyes and he laughed a little. Then we started to pay attention to the meeting but I hardly was paying attention since I still didn't know why I was here. I was tired of listening to this boring stuff so I just brought up the question I've been needing to ask.

"No mean to interrupt your little Guardian meeting but I have a question." I said. Everyone turned to me.

"Alright what is your question Sarah?" North asked me.

"You still haven't answered my question from earlier."

"Which was?" Jack asked me.

"Why'd you guys bring me here?"

"Yeah why did you guys bring her here?" Jack asked.

"You didn't know I was coming." I turned to him.

"No I had no idea. I was actually surprised to see you here." he turned to me.

'We brought Sarah here so you guys could meet each other." Tooth explained. We both turned to her and said, "Really? You only wanted us to meet each other?" we said at the same time. Sandy then made pictures of why I was here but I couldn't understand.

"Um that's not helping that much but thanks anyways."

"Okay well give us the whole story why Sarah is here."

"An enemy that we thought we have defeated has returned Jack." North said with a serious look on his face. Jack's face got really mad for a second and I could see that he was trying to control his anger.

"Wait a minute you mean the Boogeyman?" North nodded. "I thought you guys defeated him like what three years ago?"

"We all thought he was gone for good but apparently he wasn't." Bunny said.

"Then why am I here? I'm not a Guardian like you guys." all of their faces besides Jack started to light up a bit. Jack and I looked at each other then back at them.

"There was another reason why you're here as well Sarah." Tooth said while coming up to me and pulling me closer to them. Jack walked slowly behind us and almost bumped into me.

"You were chosen to be a Guardian, Sarah!" North yelled then music started to play. My eyes grew wide and I turned to look at Jack and he had the hugest smile on his face. They were having a little celebration but I knew I would have to stop it soon. I threw my hands in a downward motion and frost covered the ground then everyone grew quiet.

"Sorry to interrupt your little celebration but.." they all turned to look at me. "what in the world makes you think that I want to be a Guardian?"


Hey guys! I hope that was a good cliff-hanger it's my first one so it might not be that good. But anyways sorry it's been taking so long to update these stories. I've had a lot of school work and I've been sometimes to tired from school to write. I'll try my best to update faster! Vote and comment on this story cause I want to see if you guys like it!

Sorry if this sounds too much like the movie guys! But I promise that it will change and it won't sound like the movie that much anymore soon!

I don't own Rise of the Guardians!!! It belongs to DreamWorks! I do not own any of the characters except my OC! 

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