Ch 23

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Annika's pov

I got up in morning and yesterday's incident Came into my mind! He returned in my life again! I was trying to move On Infact I Was progressing in my life but he returned!

"Annika!" Malika called me out

"Yes! " I replied

"Are you fine?" She asked and sat beside me!

"No!" I replied honestly

"We are with you this time You Know that right? This time we won't Leave You in fact This Time you will be strong enough to face him To make him repent To punish him!"Malika said crassing my hands in order to console me! I nodded

"we will teach him good lesson!" She said and I nodded

"Malika Annika Girls where are you both!" Sidharth entered being panicked!

"Are you girls okay? I got to know he had returned!"Sidharth quickly took us in his embrace!

" Annika are you fine? " He asked with atmost love and care in his eyes! I nodded

" I am here only alright he won't be able to do anything bad to you this time " he said in order to console me!

" Infact its good only that he returned himself now I can get opportunity to take revenge from him " Malika said with smirk and I smiled a little!

" Yayyyy Smiling princess is the prettiest " Sidharth said and Malika took me in hug!

I am so glad to make them friends for life! I was in the condition where I used to have sucidal thoughts every night but they were beside me everytime! Infact more than my mistake for ditching their friendship they blamed themselves for being so cruel and egoistic to ignore my sufferings!

But I can not blame them for the mistake I commited!  It was my fault that I did not recognized his true face!  It was my negligiblity that I didn't doubted his unsudden appearance in my life! 

" Annika " I flenched in fear hearing to voice I was least intrested to hear! With time I didn't realised that how my unconditional love for him changed into unconditional hate which I don't think so will go away from my heart ever!

" Sid " I looked at him in tears! I don't want that man again in my life not now not never!

" Let's go and see " Malika said and I nodded! We descended down and saw him struggling to enter while security stopping him!

" Sir this mad man is not leaving " One security informed!

" Sid tell him to get lost " I managed to say out loud!

" Annika don't do this to me. you always believe in second chance mends things then please give that chance to me " He cried hard releasing himself from the security men's hands!

I was about to walk towards him when Malika holded my hand! I blinked my eyes to give her assurance and she left my hand! I went close to and slapped him hard! A slap which was not even one percent of what he did to me!

" I believe in second chance not infinite chance and I gave you infinite chances to mend yourself but you didn't avail even one from those chances " I said with my voice filled with hatered and anger!

" I am ready to mend myself now I ready to take every punishment I just want you in my life back please " He said as tears fall from his eyes! But probably my hatered for him was too much to pity on his vulnerability!

" Security throw him out " I said and turned back to go into my room ignoring his pleadings!

Neither I will cry this time nor will melt down!

Shivaay's pov

Seeing her leaving from the taxi my heart flenched in pain! I immediately followed her car and reached to Malika's mansion!

The restlessness of being separated from annika was killing me! I pressed the horn to tell security to open the gate but they didn't!

I moved out from my car!

" I am here to meet Annika please open the gate " I said to one guard there!

" You can't meet anyone inside without appointment " He said! I closed my eyes being Frustated!

" look it is very important for me to meet annika please try to understand " I tried to convince them !

" Rules are rules please it would be better if you will go and come back with appointment " guard said and I lost my mind!

I climbed the gate on order to enter the mansion!

" Hey what are you doing get off from the gate.. Hello security gate 3 one lunatic is trying to enter the mansion please send security at gate 1 " the guard said! I ignored him and jumped inside!

In the meantime security came and holded me from my hands! I tried to release myself from their hold but my struggle went in vain!

" annika annika " I started screaming in the hope she will come! Finally after screaming for 15 Minutes she came with malika! I got peace seeing her angelic Face properly after ages!

"Annika Please I can't live without you! I want to be Beside me!" I cried In the cluthes Of Security guards and trying to come to her ! I want to hold her in my arms again!

"Shivaay how dare to come again in annika's life !" Malika shouted on me!

"Malika Please Don't interfere Please! Annika You listen to me I love you so much I did so much sins but please Forgive me for that! Please come back in my life!" I couldn't control myself more and cried at my helplessness at that moment!

I looked at her for second to see her standing unaffected! Please don't break me annika I am living in the hope that you will forgive me please don't make me feel you won't come in my life again!

"Security call police Now!" Malika shouted!

"Do whatever you want to Do malika I deserve hell I know!" I said as I stopped wiggling in security's clucthes and stood silently staring her face!

"Shivaay Go from here! " my heart got peace hearing her voice after ages but the pain in her voice was too much for me to not notice it broke me again!

"I can't " I said as tears fall from my eyes! I tried to move towards her but security again holded me tightly!

I was staring at her face noticing the change in her appearance! She happen to be more healthy then she was with me! She was suffering with me now she is living!

"Security Why aren't you taking This mad man Away from our sight! Malika shouted

In the mean time police Came!!! 

"Officer Keep this mad Man away from us!" Malika said and took annika away from my sight!

I sat in police van silently !!

TO Be Continued

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