ch 24

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Shivaay's Pov

Next morning the police officer left me! Without wasting any second I went to Malhotra mansion!

" You lunatic you again came "Security guard said

" Look please just let me talk to Annika for once please I beg you " I said as tears fall from my eyes!

Annika " I screamed from the top of my voice in order to call her out! I wanted her I wanted to fulfill all my promises which I had done before my stupid revenge saga!

I wanted to continue the story where we both had fall for each other truly! I wanted to eliminate the part where Omkara and priyanka's lies poisoned my mind against Annika!

" You lunatic don't dare to step in let me ask from Sidharth sir " Security said

" Sidharth" I whispered! Ignoring the security man's instructions I crossed the gate and reached closed to the mansion's enterance where I could see Sid and Malia embracing Annika!

A lone tear escaped from my eyes in guilt of trying to separate their pure friendship for my revenge! That betrayal look on Sid's face on the day when I was able to make Annika against her group will haunt me till my death bed!


Annika was getting separated from the group! Due to exams the group used to rarely get time to talk the way they used to do! To chill in the college canteen! Annika was somewhere getting jealous that they were not caring about her whereabouts whereas her group were feeling jealous seeing Shivaay's group always around her!

" See Annika they are so happy without you Sid has malika aman has siddhi no one is caring about you " Yuvi said to Annika noticing that she was gazing he Mr group who were discussing how their exam went!

" Don't worry we are with you " Aranav said with a smile and Annika smiled back!

" Can I have everyone's attention please " Shivaay tried to gain everyone's attention!

He went close to Annika kneeled down in front of her with the ring ! She gasped being surprised!

" Annika I never believed in friendship until you came I never believed in love untill you came I never believed that any girl can affect me so much that I will just think about her while eating sleeping watching TV studying in lectures while playing video games in short everywhere! I see you everywhere I am deeply in love with you and I want to spend my rest of the life with you Will You Marry Me ? "

Shivaay confessed! And Annika looked at him in shock as well as surprise! Indeed she was in love with him but marriage?  But if she is so in love then definitely she should marry him! Thinking that her life would be bliss after his arrival she decided to marry to him

" Yes I will marry you " She said and Shivaay jumped in happiness! Both hugged while Shivaay passed smirk to Yuvi which didn't went unnoticed by Annika's group!

Sid was getting much stressed because of her decision! He couldn't control and just went to separate both of them and pushed Shivaay far!

" Annika this is most foolish decision of yours! You know nothing about him neither his family nor about his past! Don't be impulsively please " Sid said

" Why are you showing your caring for me now? Where were you from last few days when I wanted my friends the most! You were busy with your girlfriend right? No one from our so called group cared about me it was only Shivaay who was consoling me " Annika said

" Annika it was you who was breaking her ties with us not us and Sid treats you like his sister so he wants your good only " Malika said

" Good? By ploting against me in front of principal " Annika said

" It was not Sid... malika was about to say when sid interrupted!

" Malika don't interfere it's between ani and me! Annika please try to understand he is not good I can feel he is not what he is trying to be " Sid said

" You don't interfere in my life " Annika said and left from there leaving a broken Sid behind who was unable to protect the girl whom he considered his sister!

Flashback ends

" Sid tell him to get lost " Annika's voice brought me out from the dreadful past!

" Annika don't do this to me. you always believe in second chance mends things then please give that chance to me " I cried trying to come close to her but security holder me yet again!

She came close to me and tears of sorrow were about to turn in tears of happiness when a slap landed on my face! This pain was nothing as compared to what I did with her!

" I believe in second chance not infinite chance and I gave you infinite chances to mend yourself but you didn't avail even one from those chances " she said! Not her words hurted me but the hatred she was holding for me in her heart was hurting me!

" I am ready to mend myself now I ready to take every punishment I just want you in my life back please " I cried being vulnerable beyond anything!

" Security throw him out " she said and left away! I cried hard in order to call I screamed her name continuously but she ignored without even giving me a single glance!

" Sid Malika Please give me another chance please " I cried as I fall on ground joining my hand pleading for a second chance!

" You want second chance? Are you sure? " Malika asked with smirk! Sid looked at her in shock! I nodded as I got up seeing a ray of hope! I wipped my tears with back of my hand!

" I am ready to do anything just give me second chance " I said with determination

" You have to earn it Mr Oberio you will go through the same pain you gave to Annika! You will suffer the same hell which Annika had to suffer! Now say you are still on your words or got scared " She asked with evil smile!

" I am even ready to die " I said! She laughed in order to mock my confidence!

" Pack your bags and come to the mansion then " she said

I became happy with her words but then her next words gave me idea about what she was planning to do!

" Security show him the servant quarters we got a new servant in the house " She said with evil grin and left with Sid following her being more shocked then I was!

This won't be easy!

To Be Continued

Target - 150 votes + 2 followers

PS- The Dark theme - Abuses, torcher, and disrespectful words would be used from next update onwards so kindly read only if comfortable!

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