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Anika's PoV

What crime I did that god is giving me this much pain! I never did bad of anyone so why god is hurting me this Much ! It was my fault that I fall for this dirty person!  Why didn't I saw his true intentions! 

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Shivaay's pov
Why annika why you did this if you hadn't did this then We would have been  leading a happy life but your one mistake destroyed my everything!  I became an orphan bcoz of you!  I won't leave you annika I. Won't
Pov ends

Anika was making dinner when Shivaya came! 
She started shivering bcoz of his presence! 

Her hands were shaking while making dough! 
He went towards her!  And back hugged her!  Anika felt disguised of his touch!  Tears started flowing from her eyes!

Shivaay became angry to see her crying!  He turned his face towards her! She closed her eyes in fear!

Why the hell you have tears when I touch you! Girls die to get pleasure from me but look at you bloody middle class beggar cry when I touch you!  You have to please me when I want did you listen that!  Saati savtri ka natak mere samne mtt krna bcoz I know your true colours!  Bloody slut! Go make dinner for me
He shouted on her

She started sobbing !

At dinning table

Anika served him Food ! The food was delicious but he wanted to punish anika for his satisfaction!

What rubbish you make Hain? Do you think shivaay singh oberio will eat this piece of shit! You Know you deserve a punishment He shouted

He dragged her towards kitchen!

No no plz plz don't do this to me I beg you she tried to wiggling from his cluth! 

He placed her hand on  a hot pan!  She cried in pain! 

He left her hand immediately and went towards his room!
He had tears! 

Though he hates her so much but can't see her in pain!  But he have to take revenge from her! 

She silently went to her room and started sobbing!

How much happy life she was leaving before his arrival!  He didn't left any chance to destroy her life! 

She cursed the day when she put ointment on his hand when her friend burnt him with hot coffee!

She cursed the day when she started getting attach with him


Shivaay and annika went to classroom toghter When annika's frineds were hopping that she would sit with them but she did opposite! 

On shivaay's request she sat with him! 

Her friends couldn't  take it so they left the class! 

Anika felt bad!  She was also leaving when shivaay stopped her by holding her hand!  She was about to question her when professor came! 

Next few days were worst for annika! 

Her friends litreally ignored her! 

She was unaware about them and they were insecure about her !

Shivaay on the other hand made his friends group! 

Anika's friend Malika who understood his intentions tried to explain annika !

But annika denied and said that he is of friendly nature that's why he made many friends! 

You know what think whatever you want I m leaving!  Malika said in anger!

Anika cursed herself for spoiling Malika's mood! 

She was missing the days which she used to spend with her group! 

They used to bunk classes!
They used to mock the teachers! 
They used to cheat in exams!

In short they were total crazy !

Anika was sitting alone on bench while thinking about her Friends when shivaay came!

Hi Shivaay drawed her attention

Hey anika gave him a fake smile! 

You have a very beautiful natural smile don't give these fake smiles!  Shivaay said and anika looked at him! 

I m sorry bcoz of me you fought with your friends!  Shivaay said with guilt

No it's not your fault ! I m with them from past 10 years it was my fault I should know that what's going on in their mind ! They were protective about me since childhood and can't see anyone around me except them they are possieve about me and they love me alot!  And you know what they can't stay away from me for so long they will come soon don't worry about that !  Anika said with tears forming in her eyes!

Shivaay come let's go for a movie Arnav shivaay's friend who had just came said

Anika plz give us a company!  Shivaay said

No actually I don't anywhere without my friends !  Anika said

So aren't we your friends aranv asked dramatically! 

It's not like that!  Anika said

No that waat you are coming with us thats final!  Arnav said and dragged her!

When Anika's group came to Know about it they were hurt! 

She didn't went anywhere without them!

Anika is changed siddhi said

He is using her malika whisphered

Flashback ends

Anika's PoV

I wish if that day I would have listen to Malika then I need not to face This day today ! Mali plz come back to me!  I know you are angry but you will melt seeing me in this condition! 

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Chappy ends

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