four >>> From This To That

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Photographs and memories
burn in the back of my mind.
Bringing tears of remembrance to the surface
remembering all the times we spent together...

It went from inside jokes
and laughing uncontrollably
to barely getting the chance too.

From our teacher getting on our tails
for not doing our work
to her checking in weekly on zoom calls.

From shouting at one another
in the halls and high-fiving
to keeping 6 feet apart and staying at home.

From hugging goodbye and
saying "see ya tomorrow"
to never getting the chance again.

From going out on Friday nights
and hanging out
to just texting and FaceTime.

From dancing in the middle of my room
with our favorite tunes
to dancing alone at 12 A.M.

From watching scary movies together
and hiding under blankets
to just sitting on the couch staring blankly.

From drawing tattoos on one another's arms
to having to do it ourselves.

From playing tic-tac-toe
when you were the "O"
to staring blankly at the paper
waiting for you to make a move.

From seeing your smile everyday
to having to hide behind a mask
anytime we leave the house.

And from saying "I miss you" after not seeing
each other for one bell
to never seeing you at all...

These memories and photographs
stay with me in my head and my heart
like a perfect painted picture.
Wishing this pandemic would just end.
Wishing I could give you that one hug
that meant the world.
And to making more memories to last us a

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