five >>>A Dangerous Place

16 4 1

Scrolling through her phone
taking notice how all the girls are looking.
Skinny blondes or brunettes with blue eyes
causing doubt to rise up inside her mind.

She looks herself in the mirror
dark, provoking thoughts take over her
overriding the message her heart tries to tell.

She pokes at her stomach
and pinches her thighs
scanning the stretch marks running up them
pointing out all her imperfections
not knowing that's what makes her amazing.

And she goes to school
keeping her head hung low
Deep in thought with music blaring in her ears
wondering if anybody's noticed if she hasn't eaten or that's she's failing
when she promised she wouldn't.
But no ones said anything so
she puts her head down
as the teacher calls a work day
Funny how she might be fighting with herself yet keeps her grades up and well.

And tears fill the rim of her eyes
but she keeps quiet, not wanting to feel
like a burden even though deep down
that's all she's ever felt.

The music takes over her, consuming her
It's the only thing that keeps her sane anymore.
But when that bell rings
she lifts her head slowly
wiping quickly at her beautiful eyes
that are red and swollen,
slowly rising to get out of there.

Down the halls she goes,
surrounded in a sea of peers
she doesn't really know but the thoughts running through her mind are
"Are they looking at me?" "Do they hate what they see?" "Are they judging me?"

If only she knew how beautiful she is
And how no ones questioning her at all
Instead they're taking in all her beauty
not knowing she's breaking piece by piece
on the inside each and ever day.

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