Chapter 5

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"Oh, hey Winter," the woman greeted as she noticed the brunette standing in the door.

"Feel free to sit down," she offered after he had closed the door. The man slumped down in his usual seat, looking blankly at the woman on the bed, her phone in her hands. They stayed in silence for a while longer, he observing the emotions wash over her face. Whatever she was doing, it causes a smile to creep upon her face but it was replaced by discomfort fast. A blank expression followed and then, a smile, mixed with tears glittering in her eyes took over. Grinning, she rolled onto her back, holding her smartphone close to her chest. A pillow joined the embracement as a squeak escaped her lips before she returned back to normal.

The soldier raised an eyebrow at her behavior before asking "Are you all right?" The woman still grinned but nodded.

"Yes, I am. The book I was reading just was very sweet," she spoke happily.

"What does that mean?" he asked, not remembering how emotions felt.

"Wh- oh, right. You can't remember what emotions were..." she trailed off. A long silence fell over the two, her sitting on the bed, looking at the soldier and thinking about how to explain it the best way while tapping her finger against her chin. Meanwhile, he sat there in the soft white bean bag, staring at her with no emotions.

Out of nowhere she jumped up and searched through the drawers on her bed. After a moment, she pulled out a second pair of headphones and connected them with her phone.

"I'm just going to place those on your ears. They'll not do anything to harm you..." she trailed off while approaching him slowly. She knew all too well that he was not always the type for physical interactions; probably because of the torture they had put him through.

The woman stood only mere centimeters from him as her arms lifted and placed the headphones carefully on his head. She brushed some hair from his face and behind his ear, letting the headset sit steadier on his ears.

"You know, there are times that I wonder how in hell you are able to work with your hair in your face. I would have gone crazy if my curls were in my face during a mission or when I am working," she hummed as she directed her attention towards the small piece of technology in her hand.

"Mmh... what would most likely be your style of music?" she asked more herself than the man in front of her and so she was not surprised as she received no reaction from the soldier. She scrolled through the playlists, searching for something matching. Frustrated, she turned around.

"You know what, I'll just play my favorites all the way through the genres and times and you tell me when you like what you hear," she informed him, a slow melody started to play. It was a piano solo. Angle sat down again and pulled out a book from her shelf. The melody was replaced by a sweet modern song from a popular English musician. It was nice but still, nothing in the man made a move, except the steady thumb of his heart and his even breath.

The songs picked up in their tempo and their beat. Going from pop over some type of rap till it escalated in AC/DY blasting into their ears. The woman was whipping with the entire being as she laid there, still concentrated on her book.

"I'm on a highway to hell," the man sang and the song ended. Winter was still sitting in his spot, staring off into nothing. Angle placed her book back on her shelf and looked at the man in her room. The way he sat there somehow made her heart arch. Surely, they had put her through much but she couldn't imagine how it had to be to forget everything you were and where you came from, ever and ever again as soon as you remembered it somehow. A little something in her wanted to help him remember but another part of her told her, that it would be useless since they would erase everything he remembered without hesitation. In the end, he would have to suffer for what she would do.

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