
112 5 6

118. Person: "What Hurts?"
Me: "Everything, everywhere."

119. If you have two daughters you want to name them Juliette and Giselle.

120. Thumbs

121. Twisting your shoulders...

122. and hips...

123. and pretty much everything on your body.

124. Heads

125. Is that on the 'and' or the count?

126. When non-dancers complain about their feet/legs hurting because they've been standing all day.

127. Making non-dancer friends mad because you said they're just being whiny/need to grow up because they don't know what real pain is.

128. Missing classes because of snow/ice.

129. Audition season's stress

130. The stress and anxiety of getting your teacher's opinion on a new brand of pointe shoe that you bought to replace your dead ones.

Hello! Another update for to lovely people. Please, keep sending me your questions! You can leave them in the comments, or PM me, either way works!

I have some exciting news! I got a new pair of pointe shoes! I had Russian Luminas, but they're dead now, they've been replaced with Gainors, which I'm really excited to dance in. My teachers loved them and I'll be breaking them in my next pointe class next Tuesday! :)

Sad thing, there's an ice storm tonight so my Monday and Tuesday classes were cancelled. They're my hardest ones. My next class is Friday, a variations class. :(

Dancer's LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ