Sasuke's Pregnant

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I read aloud and I knew that the only reason I was doing so was because my mind had registered what that meant.

It simply meant that I was fucked to say the least. For once I thanked that Naruto was the Hokage and that he was too busy to be at home at the moment because I didn't want him to see me cry. The only thing I was known for was being unemotional and a rager when things went that far but even though Naruto was the only one to ever see me like this, who wasn't dead, I still didn't like the sympathy.

For some reason I felt the weird urge to be held by him but I couldn't find myself to call him or drag myself up there or even wait until he got home. I just wanted to be alone. I think...

I don't understand how this can even be possible, but all of the books said it. All of the books I had rushed to the library and accumulated- ignoring the strange looks I got from the librarian- and all of the books from the Uchiha medical book collection said so. Male pregnancy was apparently a thing now.

I sighed, banging my fist against the kitchen counter and trying calm myself down before I took ahold of that knife. I let out a deep sigh and pulled the drawer open to get the knife and quickly chop a tomato up before laying over in the sink, and for a second I almost felt sick. I had a craving for ramen. It was the most cliché thing I had ever heard and yet I took out the microwaveable ramen and basked in disgust as I prepared it, placing the tomatoes on top and plopping down at the table.

I felt uncomfortable sitting here. It didn't feel right as my mind imagined a smaller version of Naruto sitting at this table and beaming as food was placed in front of him.

That didn't sound too bad...

"Sasuke?" I looked up to see Naruto standing on the other side if the table and looking a bit unsure as he looked at what I was eating.

"You brought me to this."

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