Distractions [SasuNaru]

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Title: Distractions
Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto
Warning: Er... 

I sighed, leaning against my desk as the blond dobe stalked back and forth in front of me. My whole class had left an hour ago and I had been planning on leaving too when Naruto popped up out of the blue, an innocent look on his face. At first I had been slightly annoyed by his presence but had felt a bit happy that he had come to me in his time of need instead of going to Sakura until I realized that his problem was about Sakura. Apparently she's his assistant now and he can't take his eyes off of the pink-haired whore. I snarled under my breath at the thought and mentally cursed myself. I had spent so long working on my pride issues that I had forgotten the blond dobe's fondness for her. 

"So what you're saying is that you really like her and that her presence is...getting to you?" I asked to make sure that I understood the situation completely. He nodded, a blush clear on his tanned cheeks as he ran a hand through his blond hair. "Get a new assistant." I answered bluntly letting my slight jealousy get the best of me but without showing it to Naruto. He seemed to be shocked by my answer but it was the most logical one.

"B-But she isn't a bad assistant and I like being around her it's just that..." He trailed off, shrugging as if he wasn't really sure of how to explain it. 

"Well get something to take your mind off of it." I provided, trying to find a way around it without giving my intentions away. He gave me a questioning look and it took every single fiber of my being not to roll my eyes. I instead stood up from my desk and stalked in front of it. "Find something that will take your mind off of Haruno so that you can actually get something done. It doesn't matter how much you like her if you don't get anything done then it won't be being productive." I added, taking a step closer when he finally stopped pacing to stand in front of me.

"Like what?" The blond baka asked, crossing his arms as if I could never come up with something.

"Well I don't think Ramen or porn will work so how about this?" I asked before taking a couple steps forward and placing my lips gently against his and applying slight pressure so that it didn't seem to hungry of a kiss and I could feel the shock as he just stood there before slowly beginning to kiss back, his hands gripping my shirt.

I could feel one of his hands gliding so that he could lace his fingers through my hair as I continued to make him forget his previous predicament and focus on what was going on. I pulled away slowly and looked him in the eye.

"Still thinking about her?" He blinked twice and shook his head slowly.

"Good. If it ever happens again, I won't hesitate to push you up against that board and ravish you until you forget your own name."

Naruto-Yaoi- DrabblesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon