Make me Forget {Kiba and Neji}

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He sniffs the air and looks around, a disgusted look on his face. "Sake." He explains simply as we walk the busy streets of Konoha looking for something to take our mind off of things. It had been a long week for Konoha and it was slowly going through the reconstruction process and rebuilding all the of the damaged properties while trying to provide homes for those who had lost everything. It had been so stressful lately to the point where we had to be piss drunk to forget about everything; all of the deaths that had occurred over the last few months. It had driven the Hokage to the point of insanity and now the Elders were searching for a new Rokudaime, only stopping once to look over Naruto. It was no doubt that he had become powerful over the years but they were still fumbling over the other things. 

Was he mature enough? Naruto was the most mature ninja that I had ever known. The things that he had gone through had made his skills grow even to surpass mine. I was older and had graduated before he and yet his inspiration to work harder had made him to the point where I questioned many things. Even Shikamaru knew that he was a bit over our heads to say the least.

He had been working so hard these couple months to bring the Uchiha back that he seemed shocked by what he came back to. A destroyed place that he once called home. People that he had known were long gone and buried, either under rubble and debris or buried deep down in the earth, cascets keeping them from the soil.

Getting drunk was the only way to forget what one has seen, well at least for that moment. That's why we made our way over the bar. Sake seemed to not work as well for me as it did for the young Inuzuka as he downed four bottles and became slightly tipsy. I was only there to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid while sipping a beer to have something to do other than think. My mind was shut off, only listening to the loud music and trying to make sense of it all as the sweat and must covered bodies rubbed up against each other and the strong smell of alcohol on their breath as they try to make conversation. 

The dancefloor was packed with people who seemed to be looking to get drunk and wake up in bed next to another random shinobi only to pretend that it never happened. I saw sensei's, teachers, old classmates. They were all packed in this tiny club searching for the same thing. Some had even lost spouses and were just looking for comfort in their drunken state.

I saw the Inuzuka's spiked hair as he dance around on the dance floor and I watched him carefully to make sure that he didn't leave. He was rubbing up against Hinata and for some reason I felt the need to stand up. He was dancing with his best friend, my cousin. At this point he would dance with anyone and everyone...

That's why I found myself making my way across the dance floor trying to get over to the brunette while being touched inappropriately by almost everyone that I pass, a hand slipping down my pants at one point as I stumble over to Kiba.

I nod to Hinata and she leaves to probably find Uzumaki, an apparent blush on her cheeks even in the flashing lights of the dark club. 

He had this crooked grin on his face as he moved closer and before I knew it I was dancing along to the music while he guided me, keeping my attention the entire time. Yes, I had some kind of fascination for the boy and that was the only reason I had bothered to follow him to the club and watch after him or even bother dancing with him for that matter.

It was hot and muggy as he danced and I had a feeling that he was even wilder when he was drunk. 

When we finally stumbled off of the danced floor and over to the bar, Kiba asked for another drink, turning to me as the bartender bumbled over to fix it. 

"H-how ya' doiiiin' Hyuuga?" He slurred and hiccuped with the same smile on his face as he scooted closer. I didn't even bother to answer, scooting away slowly, knowing that this would end well because he wasn't in his right mind. He abandoned the chair all together and took refuge on my lap. "Could you d-do me a f-favooor?" He asked as sober as he could and I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows at his question.

"Make me forget." He whispered, his strong breath intoxicating as he captured my lips.

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