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Jimin reopens his eyes and slowly looked over to where he heard the footstep and then makes eye contact with the protector. "Nice hearing," they say as they walk over to the bed. Jimin looked at him with no expression but really he was freaking out and felt so terrified for what was going to happen. The protector then looks around before grabbing a chair nearby and bringing it over and sitting down. They make very intense eye contact, Jimin looking into the crystal blue eyes with his big black ones that honeslty scared the protector. He's never seen eyes so empty and dark before.

They clear their throats and break the eye contact, "You might be wondering how I got here," the protector then says and Jimin wasn't really wondering that, he just wanted Namjoon to come back and get rid of them. "I took a scan of both yours and your monsters friend face, and with your faces I can determine your location," the protector explains and Jimin just keeps looking at him with his eyes. "For now I want to ask you some things, and since your monster isn't around to protect you, I'm hoping this will be easier," the protector says, thinking Jimin was going to give him all the answers he needed. Jimin blinks twice, not wanting to answer any questions or do anything of that matter.

"Ok, first question, what's your name?" The protector asks as they didn't notice the blinking. So Jimin closes his eyes and turns away. "Hey, I'm talking to you," the protector says, almost whining, scooting the chair closer to the bed and Jimin just huffs while trying to relax. "Do you even talk? Or do anything other than be a doll?" The protector wonders confused while standing up and Jimin just stays still. The protector starts walking closer and then goes to grab Jimin but Jimin opens his eyes and stares right into his eyes, stopping them in their tracks. The protector pulls his hand away and sighs.

"How do you communicate with the monster then?" The protector wonders, sitting back down in his chair and Jimin decided to just point it out. So he slowly brings his hand up then points at his eyes before blinking once, then blink twice. The protector looks at him confused and makes a confused face too. "What do you mean?" They wonders and Jimin blinks, then blinks twice once more.

The protector thinks for a bit before thinking they know what Jimin means, "so are there words in your eyes?" They wonders and Jimin blinks twice. "Oh wait, blinking," the protector says and Jimin blinks. "So you communicate by blinking?" The protector wonders and Jimin blinks yes. "I'm guessing once means yes and twice means no," The protector adds and Jimin blinks. "Interesting," they mumble. "Is that the only way you communicate with people?" They ask and Jimin blinks yes.

"Ok, so I'm limited to only asking yes or no questions," The protector says and starts thinking. Jimin really didn't want to answer questions, it reminded him a lot of the times in hospital where he was have to answer questions and he really just hated it. However he knows that the protector won't leave him alone after they get their answers so there's no point on not obeying.

"First, do you like that monster? Is he nice to you even?" The protector wonders and Jimin blinks. It's pretty obvious that Namjoon would literally do anything to keep him safe so there's no point on even thinking he wouldn't. "Thought so, and you guys met in the hospital?" They wonder, Jimin blinking yes. "How? I thought they separated the monsters from the whole hospital," the protector wonders, almost forgetting that Jimin can't answer that. Jimin exhales annoyed and turns his head away while closing his eyes, just feeling so annoyed but also scared.

But then he hears something from the balcony, and he opens his eyes and sees a tiny bit of Namjoon's wing as he flew off. "Is there something there?" The protector then asks and Jimin looks back at him before blinking twice rather quickly. The protector didn't believe Jimin tho so he stands up and walks over to the balcony. They look around outside and while they did that Namjoon appears behind him. So when the protector turned around they flinch back at the sight of Namjoon with his arms crossed, looking at him with a light ash storm around him and the angriest eyes ever.

Because of this Jimin closes his eyes and turns his head away, having a feeling he knows what's going to happen. "What are you doing here?" Namjoon asks pissed and the protector brings his magic staff up, "I just wanted to talk with the boy without you there," the protector says and that just makes Namjoon more angry, scared that Jimin would've gotten hurt. "Why can't you just leave us alone huh!? We haven't done anything bad!" Namjoon exclaims angrily, stepping closer to the protector that out of fear shoots out a laser from its staff. Namjoon stumbles back as it hit him in his chest, but it didn't hurt him as much as the protector thought it would.

Namjoon is now more angry, a big storm of ash starting to form. Then Namjoon charges at the protector that tries to fly away but Namjoon grabs his ankle and pulls him down to the ground. They drop their staff that rolls away, and they try sitting up but Namjoon kicks them hard in the side, a loud cry leaving them. Then Namjoon stomps on one of their wings that shattered into little crystals, a cry leaving the protector. Then Namjoon walks over to their staff, picking it up.

The protector gasps as they rolled onto their stomach, reaching out to try and stop Namjoon but Namjoon didn't care, he was really angry. He lifts his knee up before breaking the staff in two onto it. "No!!" The protector yells out and then Namjoon tosses the broken staff aside before walking back to the protector who knew they were in danger now. They start trying to crawl away but Namjoon grabs their ankle again and pulls them back to him before stepping on their back, lifting up their leg by their ankle and then starting to put his weight on him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" The protector exclaims out in fear while Namjoon literally bends his spine to break it. "I swear! I'll give you everything you need! And, and I'll make sure no one bothers you guys!" They exclaim and that's when Namjoon gets an idea. So he lets go of the protector that quickly rolls over and lays on their backs, looking up at Namjoon scared. Namjoon crouched down before grabbing the protector by its hair and pulling them close. "What's your name?" He asks while gritting his teeth and the protector whimpers in pain, grabbing Namjoon's hand that held his hair.

"I-I'm Christian, that's my name," Christian says, "yeah? And how old are you!?" Namjoon asks, "27! I'm 27," they exclaim and Namjoon scoffs before shoving them back into the floor. "Alright then Christian, you're going to be our protector now ok?" Namjoon says and Christian nods. "So now leave me and my boy alone and guard the tower to make sure no one gets to us, alright!?" Namjoon demands and Christian nods while scrambling to his feet. Namjoon stood back up and watched as Christian rushed towards the door and made his way out.

Namjoon then takes a deep breath in while walking over to Jimin, the ash storm around him calming down. He then sits down on the bed and Jimin slowly opens his eyes, looking at Namjoon that just looked down at him sadly, feeling almost bad now for getting angry in front of Jimin while knowing how it affects him. "Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" Namjoon wonders and Jimin blinks twice. "Good, and you're not too frightened? I'm sorry for getting angry like that, I got scared," Namjoon says and grabs Jimin's little hand, the ash getting all over it. Jimin blinks twice and then slowly sits up, Namjoon helping him a bit.

Jimin then leans on him, wrapping his arms around his neck and closing his eyes. Namjoon smiles and pulls Jimin onto his lap before wrapping his arms around him, literally engulfing his small doll body in his arms. Jimin really liked this, or more so, he loved this. He loved the way it felt to be in Namjoon's arms, so close to him, so safe. He snuggles into Namjoon more, feeling sleepy too since he felt so comfortable with him. Namjoon sighs and hugs him tighter, nuzzling his face in his little neck. Namjoon just loved Jimin so much, he didn't want to let go of him, ever.

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