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Sorry it's a bit short
It's been a while now since Jimin and Namjoon have been staying at the manor castle like building. The teens have been bringing them and making them their food and they've gotten pretty close as friends but both Namjoon and Jimin didn't trust them as much. They haven't heard anything about people searching for them and Namjoon even asked the teens if they heard anything about them but they haven't so it's a good sign. Anyways, they've stayed safe and together and gotten even closer if that's possible.

Right now they slowly strolled around the garden outside, Jimin felt a bit stiff and he's been getting more fragile which didn't really worry him, he just knew he had to move a bit more and be more careful with his steps so he doesn't fall. Namjoon has also put his wings out a couple times and they were almost fully healed with just a couple rips in the end.

Jimin looks around at the pretty sky since it was sunset, he wore a soft grey long sleeve shirt that kept him warm, and some cute jeans. Namjoon was shirtless because his wings were out but wore sweats. Jimin notices that the clouds are pink and yellow and very pretty. He stops walking and rather slowly he points up, his joints cracking a bit. Namjoon looks up and then looks back down at Jimin who brings his arms back down before looking up at him.

"Wanna go touch the clouds?" Namjoon wonders and Jimin blinks. Namjoon smiles and picks him up before flying up, bringing them all the way up to the clouds and flying through the first layer. Jimin smiles as he looks around at the clouds that look so fluffy and beautiful. He reaches out as Namjoon flew around and ran his fingers through the clouds.

They fly around for a bit more before Namjoon stops and looks over at the sunset. He keeps flapping his wings to keep them up and look down at Jimin who laid his head on his. "It's so pretty, just like you," Namjoon whispers and Jimin blushes while he looks up at him. Namjoon kisses his nose and Jimin smiles again. "I'm so happy I'm with you," Namjoon then adds while brushing hair out of Jimin's face, putting it behind his ear. Jimin suddenly feels a tear fall and he just smiles more because he is also very happy to be with Namjoon.

Namjoon gently wipes away the tear, leaving ash across Jimin's cheek. "I will never leave you, I promise," Namjoon whispers and kisses Jimin's nose again. However then Jimin brings himself higher and kisses Namjoon, on the lips, while closing his precious eyes. Namjoon kisses back and gently placed his hand behind Jimin's head. They gently kiss like that until the sun fully set and it was getting rather cold.

Jimin pulls away and leans his head on Namjoon's shoulder. "I'll bring us to bed," Namjoon says and then starts flying away. He makes his way out of the clouds then flies to the entrance before teleporting to the bedroom. There he lays Jimin down in the bed and brings the blankets over him before laying next to him. He scoots closer to Jimin and wraps an arm under him before pulling him closer. "I love you," he whispers before kissing his cheek.

It was very dark in the room but Jimin gulps as he tries to work his vocal cords so that he can say it back. "I-" was the only thing that came out tho, and Namjoon chuckles before kissing his cheek again. "You don't need to force yourself my love, I already know," Namjoon says and Jimin smiles. He felt so lucky to have Namjoon. He turns his body into him and snuggles into his chest. Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jimin as if hugging him and kisses the top of his head. They both close their eyes and soon enough fall asleep.

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