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[15 years earlier, day of separation]
The guards toss Namjoon into the back of the van carelessly, which shook him so much it woke him up. Before he could realize what had happened the doors are shut closed and the car starts driving off. Namjoon starts to gain consciousness and he starts looking around for Jimin but doesn't see him. That's when he remembered more and starts freaking out. He stands up and looks out the little rectangle bared window at top and sees the other van that contained Jimin in driving its way in front of his van.

"Jimin!" Namjoon yells out worried but the van was already getting too far away. Out of fear of losing Jimin he backs up and then runs his body into the side of the car, making it wobble. Namjoon then runs to the other side and rams his body into it, and then he goes to the other side until the car wobbles so much it tips over. Unknowingly tho they had made their way at a dirt bridge that had very steep edges and as guessed the car tipped over the bridge and starts rolling down the steep edge into the forest.

Namjoon wraps himself in his wings and deals with the discomfort until they hit the ground. The doors bust open from the impact and Namjoon couldn't hear the drivers so he quickly rushes out and goes to fly up to go after Jimin but from behind he gets attacked. A guard jumps on his back and pulls him down to the ground, a bunch of others gathering around him and pinning him down. "No! Get off!" Namjoon yelled at them but they keep pinning him down, someone coming over with a big metal collar.

Forcefully they put the collar around Namjoon's neck then pull out a little capsule, jabbing it into the collar. Namjoon thought they just missed his neck but then quickly felt woozy and fell asleep.

[next day]
Namjoon starts being able to open his eyes, and slowly he lifts his eyes and groggily groans in pain, he felt sore and tight in ever limb. With what he could see he looks around but the lights were so bright and right in his face. It was so weird and he hated it. "You're awake!" He then hears a familiar voice say and then the lights get blocked. Namjoon weakly looks up and squints his eyes to see who the hell was talking to him only to recognize him as the new doctor, or not so new anymore. The doctor that separated him and Jimin first.

"We invented stronger drugs for you since you're able to beat the other ones," he then says before tapping Namjoon's cheek. Namjoon groans in response, not really knowing what's going on and his mind was so fuzzy and he couldn't even concentrate on one thing. "Looks like it's working pretty well too," the doctor says, "maybe a bit too well, let's wake you up a bit with our new weapon hmm?" The doctor then says and next thing Namjoon knows he feels electricity run through his body as if hit by punching lightning and he groans out as his eyes opened wide.

The doctor chuckles at his reaction and then stops the electricity. "There," the doctor says and Namjoon shakes his head to get rid of the weird feeling stuck in his body before looking at the doctor. Of course now since he's fully awake the anger in him rages and he goes to jump at the doctor only to find out he was trapped in chains and weird compartments. Big metal enclosures tightly hugged around his arms and thighs as they kept him down as well as big metal cuffs around his ankles and wrists also keeping him in place. The collar on his neck too was chained to somewhere, keeping him still.

"Don't even try, you won't ever get out of these enclosures. And don't even try to teleport, we will have people in this room at all times as well as cameras filming 24/7 so there's no point. We also put a machine in you so even if you did end up teleporting away, being too far from the hospital will get you fried to death," the doctor explains and Namjoon didn't know how they found out he could teleport but he also couldn't understand. Well he understood that he really had no chance to escape now but he didn't understand why. "W-why?" He asks.

"Good question, well you see you clearly are a more advanced monster and if you're on the loose you could create more harm to the world," the doctor says. "B-But I- we weren't doing anything wrong!" Namjoon says angry, because they really weren't. "To you it seems like it wasn't anything wrong but everything about your existence is wrong," the doctor says and Namjoon scoffs.

"Wait, what about Jimin? Is he ok? Where is he!? He better not be hurt!" Namjoon says, getting very aggressive too as he realized Jimin could be in serious danger right now. "Oh hush, don't worry about the dumb doll, he's back in his room and he'll be staying there for the rest of his life," the doctor says and Namjoon groans. "He's not dumb! If anything you're dumb! I hate you!" Namjoon yells and starts trying to get out of the restrictions. The doctor only sighs, thinking Namjoon wasn't strong enough. But when we saw the metal hinges holding the chains start to lift a bit he felt panic.

Quickly he pulls out a drug capsule and steps closer to Namjoon before shoving it in his collar. Namjoon keeps trying to get out tho, trying to fight the drug but it very quickly takes him out and next thing he new he was back asleep.

The monster and his doll || Minjoon ||Where stories live. Discover now