• Chapter 6 •

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A/N: Hello lovely readers, it's been a while. My bad, og's know I suck at updating. But here's the next chapter! The past couple of days I've just been super randomly motivated to write so I've also already started the chapter after this one too. Who knows maybe I'll have 2 updates in one month👀. Make sure to leave a follow so you can get notified on announcements. N e waysss, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy ♥♥. OH ALSO someone reached out to me for me to read their fanfic and I did and it's soo good!!!! Their account is @jakari_ and the story is called "She's the Man"! It's another Keishin fanfic! So y'all should go read it, and make sure you vote!! It really does deserve more attention.

The next day started off pretty normal. You woke up later than the previous day and were able to cook breakfast with the managers. Serving the food ran smoother than the previous day as well. All of the practice matches were normal too. Everyone was improving, but Karasuno was still losing. The same thing went on for the next couple of days. That is until a certain libero twisted their ankle.

Nekoma was up against Karasuno and currently, all of Nekoma's players were huddled around Yaku. He messed up his footing on a receive and here you are examining his ankle.

"It doesn't seem to be sprained so you should be ok." You explained and heard him sigh in relief. "But, I want you to sit out the rest of the day and give it a break." At this, he pouted.

"Then who's going to play in my position? The subs for our team either couldn't make it to camp or are on medical leave." And you were stumped. He was right. You didn't have any extra players to put in. But you didn't want to risk Yaku actually injuring himself. You had to do something otherwise other matches would soon start to get held up.

"Is everything alright over here?" Everyone turned to Karasuno's coach who had made their way over.

You stood up and walked over to him. "We're fine, but Yaku twisted his ankle and we have no subs."

Ukai paused for a moment trying to think of a solution. "Why don't you go in for him?"

"What?!" Your eyes widened in surprise.

"Yea, you used to play libero back in highschool. And you guys only have 2 more matches to play." He was right, you did use to play. But you can't remember the last time you actually played. Teaching the sport was different than actually doing it. Ukai noticed your distraught and ruffled your hair, much to your distaste. "C'mon, you'll be fine." You swatted his hand away and mumbled an ok walking back to your players.

"Are we gonna have to sit the rest of the day out?" Lev asked you disappointedly.

"No." everyone looked at you confused. "Yaku you go ahead and ice your ankle. I'm going to play in your position for the rest of the day." This caught everyone off guard. They've never seen you play, only heard stories from old Nekomata.

"Go on don't just stand there." You stated firmly as you started stretching, and they fumbled back onto the court, you following them shortly after. As Karasuno made their way back onto the court they were surprised to see you in place of Yaku. It was also a bit scary, you emitted a different aura now that you were on the court. It was game time.

Your heart pounded in your chest as you watched Asahi toss up the ball to serve. You hadn't felt this rush in years. It felt good. He ended up serving in your direction and it was his strongest hit yet. Your players watched in anticipation as you moved to receive the ball. Which you passed perfectly to Kenma. Who then set to Inuoka who slammed it back on the other side of the net.

The gym was silent. Other teams and coaches had stopped to watch when they noticed you were in for Nekoma's libero. Everyone just stared at you in awe. Your form and reflexes were impeccable. You retrieved the ball and handed it to Nobuyuki who was up to serve. At this point the other teams had just stopped their matches to watch you play, the coaches didn't pay any mind as they did the same.

You were entrancing to say nonetheless. You hadn't played for 7 years, yet it felt like it was just yesterday that you last played. Your receives and dives seemed flawless to everyone except you. You noticed your mistakes, certain movements just didn't feel right. But what did you expect after not playing for so long?

At one point you messed up receiving a spike from Tanaka so it went out of bounds. "Sorry! My bad." you bowed a bit to the team, but what caught you off guard was that it wasn't just your team that said 'don't mind'. It was the whole gym, including Karasuno. You erupted into a blush and hid behind the team captain next to you.

Another play of yours that left everyone speechless was when you bicycle kicked the ball. You had to make a run for it but if you were to use your arms you would've run into the wall, so to prevent that from happening you did a bicycle kick. The quirks of having played two sports.

Soon enough the two matches were over, and you were beat. You ended up winning against Karasuno and the other team. And there you were sitting next to a benched Yaku huffing and puffing.

"You did amazing coach!" He said patting your back and handing you a water bottle. You shot him a quick thank you and began chugging the water. Yaku and you made small talk as he was asking libero questions and you were happily answering them. He took lots of mental notes.

When your team made their way back to you they were full of praises towards you. Keishin also made his way over, his team following in tow.

"You did pretty well, although you're still pretty rusty." Everyone's jaw dropped at his. If this was you rusty, they couldn't imagine you at the top of your game.

You being tired you were a bit cranky so his comment irked you. "I'd like to see you try to play 2 games in a row after 7 years of not playing." You said snarkily.

He smirked, "Is that a challenge?" You knew he was just trying to tick you off. But that's just how the two of you worked.

"You know what? Yea, it is." You glared at Ukai.

"Alright then how about a 3 vs 3 tomorrow? Best out of 3."

"Sounds good to me. Your ass is going down." Your teams cowered a bit at the competitive aura that was surrounding the two of you.

"See you then," Keishin said as he turned around and started to walk the other way. You huffed and did the same. Leaving teenagers in Karasuno and Nekoma dumbfounded.

Lev spoke up, "Isn't tomorrow supposed to be our rest day? Who's gonna play with the coaches?"Everyone groaned and a bunch of "not it's" followed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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